13 03-24-2008 Default divorce Needham, Scott Byrns, Cleo Additional Text: Apprs: CO: SRN, Rpr: Byrns, Clerk: Beskar, D'Anne Olson Pro Se and Dennis Olson Pro Se. S/T D'Anne. S/T Dennis. Exh 1-3 O/R. Crt finds that marriage is irretrievably broken and grants judgment of divorce. Parties are reminded that neither may remarry for six months. jb
4 08-21-2007 Order to show cause for temporary order Needham, Scott Byrns, Cleo Additional Text: and affidavit filed by D'Anne Olson before Stephen J Dunlap 9-19-07 at 3:00 pm.jk
7 10-03-2007 Stipulation and Order Needham, Scott Byrns, Cleo Additional Text: Stipulation for Temp Order signed and filed by both parties. Order signed by FCC Dunlap on 10-4-07. Copied to both parties by blk. ams
10 01-28-2008 Status conference Heckmann, Timothy C. Additional Text: CO: Heckmann, RPR: None, Clerk: Carey/Frank, PE pro se, RE pro se. Parties ready to proceed, paperwork missing from file. Parties claim all papers were filed in October. FDS provided by FCC office, web site given for FFCL and MSA. Rescheduled for STC/DD. kc
13 03-24-2008 Default divorce Needham, Scott Byrns, Cleo Additional Text: Apprs: CO: SRN, Rpr: Byrns, Clerk: Beskar, D'Anne Olson Pro Se and Dennis Olson Pro Se. S/T D'Anne. S/T Dennis. Exh 1-3 O/R. Crt finds that marriage is irretrievably broken and grants judgment of divorce. Parties are reminded that neither may remarry for six months. jb
14 03-24-2008 Findings of facts/conclusions of law w/ judgment Needham, Scott Byrns, Cleo Additional Text: filed by parties. Signed by SRN on 3/24/08. eaf