I know I don't post here often, but those (few) of you who remember my last couple of posts on TB know that I left on...less then friendly terms. However, I wanna put that aside for just a moment and ask that anybody who wishes to join, join me in a quick prayer for Jon (aka, TB's webhosting provider), who is currently in ICU due to a motorcycle accident. More info is on TB's front page.
buttie Veteran Member 754 Join Date: Jun 2001 Location: North of where I was Posts: 1,153
Prayers sent for Jon and his family from here too. Any one know if he has insurance and how long he will be out of work. Some financial assistance might be in order.
How do we know there was even really an accident, much less what his condition really is?
Besides, on the internet, nobody knows you're a dog. And we're gonna believe what Olson said, just because what he's saying is that somebody got hurt? Get real.
Anybody who can't smell a major fundraiser coming must not be paying attention.
As for the rest of you...bravo, folks, bravo. You all are a fine example of the best attitudes that humanity has to offer. Especially you Mexi Scum. What a wonderful person you are.
New Hope, you're certainly entitled to your opinion.
However, to pray for Jon to not get what he has coming to him is in essence to rob him of his justly earned recompense.
There is no way I'll ever believe that with the just plain stupid web host server rates he charges and the gullible TBTooGay membership pays for that he is not part of the DJO Fleecing Team.
I certainly hope they all get what they have coming to them. In spades.
Anyone in any pain, particularly a motorcycle accident has my prayers.
Dennis or most folks however would never get a dime of my money.
That is not to say that I haven't given through the internet because I have. I won't say how much or circumstances because I just don't want to toot my own horn, but merely to show that while I have given, I have never and will never give anything through anyone that is or IS LIKE dennis olsen.
I still shudder when I think of how bad off his poor adult son is, and can't help wondering if it has something to do with their religion since the fundamentalist branches of it have a long history of booting out all but a few males..after all, how else are they going to have more than one wife, when both boys and girls are born equally into the faith..why by finding fault with and kicking out as many males as possible!
Medicvet, I do not think that there is anything at all from the LDS religion to do with limiting the number of males around.
Yes, Newhope, we are bad, which in your book means "won't give money to anyone associated with Dennis Olson in any way, or sure as hell THROUGH him!"
Dennis Olson has character flaws that have nothing to do with his religion. It has everything to do with the values system that his parents taught him as a child, and he also learned and practiced while a young adult.
In MY opinion, Jon never was a part of the TB "family". He was a vendor, just like anyone else.
I personally just hate it when decent good people just get fleeced and fleeced again! TB-ers might not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but quite a few have big hearts.....
Diesel, I'm not saying that y'all are bad because you won't give money to DO. In fact, if you look (if they're still there) at my last couple of posts at TB, you'll notice I left because of the financial issue. No, I'm saying that because y'all took a thread which I genuinely meant as a prayer request for another human and turned it into yet another "TB is evil" thread.
I do not believe that the folks here think TB is evil, New Hope.
Dennis Olsen has lost all credibility, however, and many of us have been badly burned by his total lack of personal morals and ethics, particularly when it comes to asking for financial assistance for various persons and endeavors.
Some of us are speaking out about these malfeasances, so that others will not be taken in, and then be as shocked as we were that funds we willingly gave never made it to the intended recipients.
If the circumstances were indeed as DO reported, Jon is going through a rough time & it won't get easier very soon. Deisel can tell you the medical considerations here - more current than I am but they're not negligible. Not to mention he's got to be hurting pretty bad.
Again if he's been hurt, I sincerely hope he gets better as quickly as possible with as few problems as possible.
Actually Diesel, there are large Mormon sects that have EXACTLY that problem as was illustrated several months ago on Anderson Cooper's 360 on CNN. They tend to settle far from SLC (like in the Four Corners region of CO/NM/UT/AZ).
The leaders, or so-called "prophets" assign and make matches for ALL marriages and some families are disciplined and controlled by having aging adolescents and men in their twenties who are NOT matched for marriage and forbidden to go and live elsewhere. They are expected to chafe in chastity and misery, unless the "prophet" has a change of heart.
One of these leaders was recently arrested in NE AZ for polygamy, among other abuses, including financial and tax evasion.
If you get cable watch HBO's drama "Big Love" which portrays such a sub-group, living outside of Sandy UT. Part of the family live on the outskirts of Sandy UT, while the more modern (attire, demeanor, less submissive) members of the group live in Sandy and have suburban homes and workplaces. They are still persecuted however by the LDS officials in SLC, who are doing their best to comply with pressure from the Federal government by breaking up these units.