Since you, Dennis, can say anything you want about people who are no longer on TB, and they can't respond, I thought perhaps a board to let them do so might give a few of them closure.
I personally would like to set the record straight on a few things.
First, I stopped posting and put the word "Inactive" under my name months ago after you said this:
"Bush2 is a total p*ssy. He'll take it up the @$$ like the cowboys in Brokeback Mountain...."
Even if you hate the man, that was totally uncalled for. You've talked about bullets needing to fly to stop high gas prices and mentioned the CEO of Exxon in particular. You've advocated taking certain politicians and military officers "out back and putting a bullet in their heads". You've repeatedly called for "vigilante justice" and promoted anarchy.
That is not libel, Dennis. I have copies of your posts.
Here is a copy of what you said to Lynnie:
FYI, Gayla changed her user title to "Inactive", evidently in order to garner favor with the UB troll crowd. I set it back to the forum default and added "Inactive" to the list of unsuable title words, so she won't be able to do it again.
She was never banned, but she IS a stone troll. If it were up to me, I'd toss her nasty a$$ in a NY second....
No, Dennis, it had nothing to do with the "UB troll crowd". It had to do with YOU and your posts.
You gave me your cell phone number to call you when the board was down. If I'm such a nasty a$$ why did you do that? And why is my name still on the "database server overloaded" message?
Let me answer the question of why, suddenly, I'm a nasty a$$.
I dared to question you.
I was actually hoping you would have a good explanation for why you used the exact same email address on a dog forum that was used on an ad soliciting gay sex a few years earlier.
Instead of a believable explanation, you tried to convince TB members that it must have been one of the "haters" at Uncle Bob's forum.
The only problem with that is the ads were posted over a 6-year period and started before Uncle Bob's forum was even created.
The IP numbers all pointed back to your hometown, Dennis.
One of the Uncle Buck posts was even signed with your name: Solaris install info - HELP please?
The originating IP number on that post is:
Run it through "Who is" and you get this:
IP Information Record Type: IP Address IP Location: United States - Wisconsin - Hudson - Level 3 Communications Inc Blacklist Status: Clear
does anybody have a stealth screen id they are willign to possibly sacrifice and post this at the treehouse. i say sarifice because if it really is thee DO board we think it wont last long.and out comes the banhammer on the other hand ally what Grock says. I do not have access to any other computer and I guess wtih traceability of IP addresses it would not be something I coudl get away with. . now somebody that can go sign on a computer somewhere else in your office (??) justt an idea
sorry I cannot edit so I need to retype this. If it got posted and then stayed on the board over at treehouse without any problem,then maybe that would say the board really is what Grock says it is (NOT tied to DO)
Gardener and Reporter Posts: 1655 (5/30/07 4:10 pm) Reply
My Letter To Dennis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ive waited a long time to address the issues of Dennis Olson and Timebomb. I was a long-time member going back to the Greenspun board (under a different username), and followed all the transitions from Greenspun to Ezboard to Jons MadGenius private server. Ive witnessed all the changes as the forum evolved. Ive watched it go from a cohesive friendly community of people to a dictatorship in a period of seven years. There are so many issues its difficult to know where to begin.
From Greenspun, Timebomb moved to Ezboard. In the spring of 2001 there was discussion of moving Timebomb off Ezboard and onto a private server, In retrospect, that move was the downfall of the forum. It led to a community-owned forum being taken from its members who paid for the cost of the equipment and maintenance, and placed the forum in the hands of Dennis Olson, who, in my opinion, is dishonest and used the forum for his own personal financial gain.
In the spring of 2001 the members of Timebomb trusted Dennis when he said that the forum would be a community-owned forum, with the members owning it. We trusted his word when he said that there would be a full accounting of the donations and the expenses. I well remember the post from Dennis Olson thanking everyone for their show of support in voting to move Timebomb to a private server. I retain a copy of that post.
Dennis gave excuse, after excuse, after excuse as to why he could not provide the members with an accounting for donations received and the monies dispersed. Its my opinion that if the truth be known, Dennis raked in so much money that if he posted the income members wouldnt be as quick to send in future donations. It soon became apparent that there would be no accounting.
I want to address the fundraisers. I think the first was for Jesse, and there was one for Stu, Prairie Lady, Satanta, Hurricane Katrina relief, and flowers for Noatimahs funeral. I may have missed some, as there were special fundraisers in addition to the annual fundraisers for running the forum.
It was a real tragedy in November 2002 when Prairie Ladys sister, Alice, was carjacked in South Carolina and murdered by two thugs who had escaped from a Kentucky prison. Everyone wanted to do something for Prairie Lady, and donations were collected to send her to South Carolina to be with her family. During this time, Alices body hadnt been found (never has been found) and Prairie Lady stayed in South Carolina for several weeks, going out with the search parties looking for her sisters body. Prairie Lady only received a small portion of the donations that members sent to Dennis. Where did the rest of the money go? Its sad to know that a person who really needed financial assistance had that financial assistance hijacked by someone who in my opinion was only posing as a sympathetic friend. After learning about what happened with donations for the fundraiser for Prairie Lady, in my opinion, all the other fundraisers are suspect.
Little by little members relinquished their freedom of speech to a power-hungry board administrator who surrounded himself with misfits to co-administer the forum. Members who questioned the absolute authority of Dennis Olson or his staff were banned; some for no real reason, and most were ridiculed after their departure from the forum. Its become common practice to spend time in TIO attacking a recently banned member.
There is no other forum on the Internet that goes through as many internal meltdowns as Timebomb does on a regular basis. Its becoming difficult to keep track of them, as theres been so many. But, in each Timebomb crisis, Dennis Olson is at the center of the problem. His mismanagement of the forum is always the focus of the crisis. Dennis portrays himself as a victim when he is, in fact, an instigator. He portrays anger directed at him, as anger at the Timebomb forum, in order to keep the membership in an us vs. them state of mind. Dennis manipulates the members into thinking that there are people in cyberspace who hate the Timebomb forum, referring to these people as haters. Nothing could be further from the truth, and he knows it. The anger is directed at Dennis and Dennis only.
There is no other forum on the Internet that has so many spin-off forums. These forums are made up of people who left out of disgust with the behavior of Dennis Olson, and of people who were banned. Dennis fears these other forums, because he knows that they know the truth about him. He fears the truth becoming known. This was made clearly evident in the recent scandal when the Usenet postings made by Dennis soliciting homosexual sex were made public.
Its my opinion that Dennis somehow believes he can control the people who are members of Timebomb and thats why he uses tracking software and illegal keyloggers on their computers to track their every keystroke. In that way members can be spied on. Where does he think he has the right to spy on his members? No other forum feels its necessary to spy on their members. Not only does Dennis employ the use of spyware to track members, but he reads their PMs and emails to other forum members. Nothing is private on Timebomb.
The elephant in the middle of the room is the Timebomb staff. The truth is there for all to see; yet very few members of the staff have resigned or spoken out against the behavior of Dennis Olson. They protect him and the forum as if their life depended on it. Why? Its my opinion that theres more to TimeBomb than meets the eye of the average member, and its this theyre protecting. There are several members of the staff who are, in my opinion, as underhanded as Dennis, and this is why they were chosen to co-administer the forum.
The Timebomb forum is being destroyed, but its not being destroyed from outsiders, its being destroyed from within by its own management. The lack of responsibility, the lack of accounting, the lies, and the outright theft of the forum, is what has created the anger expressed by many people. Mismanagement has led to the loss of many valuable members. Dennis has single-handedly gutted the forum of the best and brightest of members. To date, more than half the forum membership has either left or has been banned.
The membership at Timebomb needs to know whats really going on with the forum leadership. When members are banned from Timebomb, they arent given a chance to tell their side of the story. Thats because Dennis doesnt want their side of the story known, as it would shine the light on his own questionable behavior.
In conclusion, Dennis, its YOU not the forum that people are angry with. Its YOUR own actions that people are angry with, not the forum. This isnt about taking a forum down, its about a thorough house cleaning, starting at the top. You need to step down as owner/administrator of Timebomb, and give it over to its rightful owners.
Lardass is an even bigger scum than I had imagined. I did not know about Prairie lady's sister and the scam Lardass ran. Here in Texas there's a saying..."He needed shooting". Some day, someone is going to decide that that applies to Lardass and he will regret his greed and mistakes.
Damn - I thought everybody knew about the Prairie Lady scam. That one was real blatant, especially when PL herself spoke up!
I'll agree that the elephant in the room is the rest of the Staff at TB, and not just Olson. Even former mods who have since taken up residence at other forums (like Hagan at CurrentEvents, among others) haven't had the balls to come forth with the truth.
I think that says a lot - these people haven't even wanted to really distance themselves from their former positions on staff, they just seem to want to kill any criticism of TB even at other places.
Ya gotta wonder why. I mean, you know good and damn well that they know things that would horrify the rest of us, while at the same time validating all the things that are said about the Olson cult. The fact that nobody will come out and say the truth about what goes on at TB really does say alot.
In the spring of 2001 there was discussion of moving Timebomb off Ezboard and onto a private server,
The push to move Timebomb to a private server was heavily promoted by Ashton & Leska, the "Cascadians". They were also the ones who were putting completely false information in Lardass' ear by telling him that ezboard was going belly up "any day now". He listened to them exclusively and showed his ass more than a few times to the ezboard people. Ezboard is still going strong.
I may have missed some, as there were special fundraisers in addition to the annual fundraisers for running the forum.
Let's not forget the fundraiser for Dennis himself when he was out of work. A very respected veteran member had compassion for a 'family man' who was in dire financial straits and sold a prized collection and donated the money. Imagine this person's total disgust when he soon learned that Dennis had a motorcycle that he estimated to be worth $30,000, and would not ever even consider selling. That particular member has posted very rarely since then.
Its sad to know that a person who really needed financial assistance had that financial assistance hijacked by someone who in my opinion was only posing as a sympathetic friend.
It is even sadder, and far more telling, that Dennis was in chat when this tragedy happened and gave pretense that he was outraged and sympathetic. He was aware of how strained her financial resources were due to her husband being seriously ill and out of work for quite a while just before her sister was abducted. That he could know all this, and still STEAL money earmarked for her is beyond comprehension.
Little by little members relinquished their freedom of speech to a power-hungry board administrator who surrounded himself with misfits to co-administer the forum.
Agreed. Case in point was his appointing 'stu' to be an administrator to Timebomb when 'stu' had NEVER BEEN A MEMBER of Timebomb prior to his being made admin. 'stu' was seriously disturbed - to the point of real life stalking of two female members of the board, among other things - and Dennis was WELL aware of stu's activities, yet Dennis did not remove stu's administrator status until he was forced to.
Here in Texas there's a saying..."He needed shooting". Some day, someone is going to decide that that applies to Lardass and he will regret his greed and mistakes.
Wouldn't it be the ultimate in irony if said person turned out to be the CEO of Exxon?
Well said, Mrs. P. I remember the motorcycle episode. Disgusting.
Was it really A&L who started the move away from EZBoard? I thought they were just playing into D'Ennis's game, not vice versa. My first suspicions started about a year after the move when it became apparent that the whole "EZBoard is closing" thing was nothing but a scare tactic. By then some of the early bannings had started.
I don't know about the moving thing. From what I remember, we were all at a site that belonged to Ed Yourdon, andthen Ed didn't want to be involved, and we had to rush to figure out what to do.
I think Dennis started out by offering to set up the web site with the same look and feel as Ed's. I think he didn't start out corrupt, but he quickly became so after the support from a lot of decent people started pouring in.
I also didn't know that when he was having financial trouble and trying to keep out of foreclosure that he had that motorcycle. I guess I just assumed that he had already sold it. Yuck. I admit that I sent him money at that time, and for quite a few of the other fundraisers. Fortunately PL had a PO box and some of us sent $$ to her there.
Dennis, if you are reading this, please read and re-read Mrs.Peavey's letter to you. She hit the nail right on the head. Only one thing. She missed the fund-raising for Chuck the Night Driver so he could fulfill his dream to go to climb K2, and NW Photog so that he could go down to the border and take pictures. I am glad that I didn't contribute to those last two. They just seemed to be real dumb reasons to beg for money.
Damn Lib, I didn't realize you didn't know about that one. I didn't know the stu story nor that money was being raised for Dennis himself when he was holding on to that bike.
I don't know about the moving thing. From what I remember, we were all at a site that belonged to Ed Yourdon, andthen Ed didn't want to be involved, and we had to rush to figure out what to do.
The Greenspun forum was owned by a guy at MIT, Phil Greenspun, and right around y2k he started getting pushy about the site traffic. That sparked the move to EZBoard. But we were all stampeded into moving from EZBoard to the private servers by D'Ennis's insistence that EZBoard was on the verge of closing down. Turned out to be a pretty flagrant exercise in imagination.
I don't give DO the benefit of a doubt about that move. I think he saw the board's moneymaking potential even then. Probably at first he was thinking of advertising, but when he saw how easy it was to get members to send him money, I'll bet his eyes lit right up.
BTW, are there any good estimates on how much money DO has collected over the years?
I don't know, Farmer. I know that I contributed to what seemed to me to be emergent situations (which in my world don't include car/monster truck problems). After PL's experience, I closed the wallet and didn't contribute again.
I also didn't know that when he was having financial trouble and trying to keep out of foreclosure that he had that motorcycle. AND the light-up-the-world industrial generator, not to mention years worth of hamburger helper/beans/rice/TP/toothpaste/etc. ;)
And what about the Wise Owl begathons? Always crying poor, but refusing to leave their bug-out location in order to support themselves. It was like they were the epitome of what we all should be, and the world (we) should $upport them to remain so. And then the d-o-g. What contortions and begging WO performed to get a dog from across country, and then begging again to cover medical expenses for it.
It was a similar scenario with Chuck-a-life-bonker. They both kept insisting that it must be Divine will, and if it really was Divine will, all would come to pass. Both managed to ignore the multitude of obstacles that were repeatedly put in the paths of their desires though. HELLO!
1. Stu and his bail money and attorney fees to help when he was caught red handed stealing from the Denver Broncos. He was a security guard at the time.
2. Jesse and her monster truck, and stolen chainsaw fundraiser.
3. Satanta and his I need a new computer fundraiser.
4. Fatboy and his I lost my job and will lose my home fundraiser.
5. Wise Owl and her we're eating roadkill fundraiser.
-- Edited by Eric Cartman at 20:22, 2007-05-31
When a chick says we need to talk, you might as well start punching yourself in the balls, dude.
I tuned out chronic beggars/hangdog types early on. I'll skip naming the names, we all know who they are/were, but those guys had it down to an artform.
Yes, Denny learned what worked well, and then put it to use for his own benefit. I just hate it that decent good people got conned at all. Oh well. Live and learn, right?
For me, I think I'll celebrate "It's Thursday night" by having some pizza and beer.
Damn Lib, I didn't realize you didn't know about that one. I didn't know the stu story nor that money was being raised for Dennis himself when he was holding on to that bike.
And that is exactly why he wants all the old timers gone.
It's easier to re-write history if there is no one around who remembers what really happened.
I also didn't know that when he was having financial trouble and trying to keep out of foreclosure that he had that motorcycle. I guess I just assumed that he had already sold it.
He told the board he bought that bike as his 'reward' for not committing suicide after he'd lost his home to foreclosure and was homeless (with a wife and 2 young sons) for a period of time.
One would think if a person had experienced homelessness the very last thing they'd do with 'extra' money would be to buy a $30,000 toy.