Now sallysue, don't you be gettin' any idears about takin' up with Chub. He's spoken fer! Uncle Buck might not take kindly to you snoopin' around and kissin' up to Chub.
-- Edited by Mudd at 11:06, 2007-05-18
I didn't kiss Jor_el's ass. Â Therefore, my name is Mudd.
sallysu, i was talkin bout the old man obnoxous. he had hisself a hissy fit with data junkie. we aint seen him round since then. hey mudd, i still got the ring uncle buck done bouht me at the truck stop. genuinn crackerjack prize from the bottom of supersiz box. with xtra peanuts. he sez hes gonna buy me a real specil one with a sparklee diemund, but its gonna take a new fundraisr on tb2k. uncle buck sez sheepls fleece is always growin so its his duty to keep sheerin them stupidd sheep. then he laughs real loud bwahahahahaha! yup. time to make more kooolaid.
Well Mudd I spect you are right. But iffen I am going to git better I figgered I wood try to get Chubb to see the light too. I better tippy toe around a little better tho and let Chubb take his time with this thang. He has been brainwarshed wurse than me and hit will take time. Depramming is what we need to see about. We got any deprgrammerss here that can give us a group rate. Now Chub you thank on this. if I pull up in a black Cadillac and blow the horn you run out and git in but it may be hard to do since your boss don't work and is home all the time. I know he has been making you do all the horn blowing all this time but there can be a better life for you.
sallysuu, im hitched with uncle buck. i cant hitch no ride in no caddy. besides, uncle buck takes me for long flings on the shiny wingding. and now hes promsed hell buy me extra wide seat cushun so i wont fall off no more. any ifn anybodys wonderin why wifey split, its cos one day she peeked in the gayrage while uncle buck n myself was buzy. herpees was supposd to be guardin the gayrage door, but she done chased after sum fool sqwirrls. wify was shocked and cried. it was so sad i cried. i didnt mean no harm. wify ran back to her house. uncle buck started screemin real loud! then uncle buck bitch slapped me. now yall know what happened. uncle bucks pretendin to be wifey on tb2k, but he aint foolin nobody cept hisself. on lighter note, i made my own psecial new pitchr of koolaid with zanex, sippin a mug, im feeling soooo relaxed. sleepy even...
You poor ole thang you are too fur gone. Does any buddy else want to go with me and we will have to take Chubb agin his will. He won't understand at furst and he will probly fite us at furst but after we git him out of there and he gits his mind back he will thank us. I will check back in later on to see if any of you uns wants to hep save this poor sole.
Sally I can't help you with the intervention, but I hear that with all the $$$ rolling in, con/tractor is busy plowing the 40 down in the Bahamas again so the gayrage door is unguarded. Now would be the time to move!
kat, i jes woke up. whoa! i got a helluva hangover right now. to much zanexx in my specil mix koolaid. damn! i gotta tell yall bout the dream i jes had. oh! i wuz behind enemy lines in irak, and uncle buck was givin me secrit codes. to drop littl nukular cookies on those damm raghedds. i was floatin in the air somehow. musta been from the xanaxx cos i werent in no airplan. maybe invisbl stelth glider? anyhoo, i was throwin cookies on them irakee sandbuggers n they wer explodin jes like setting off m80s in herpees ****. lots of fun but this waz bluddy. yech. and them irakee women was so angry they ripped off their burkuhs n put rocks in the ends n used em as slingshots trying to hit me way up in the air. it was crazy! good thing they cant hit the side of a gayrage. then in all the excitment suddnly transmisson went dead! i lost contact with uncle buck! i started to panik, then i was fallin to the earth! i landed on top a big white tent, then all went black. how much time passt i dont know. then i feel my face gettin kissed. im thinkin its uncle buck come to save me. uncle buck, ya made it here? howd i do killin them frickin ayrab camell jockies? uncle buck?? then i opened my eyes n damm if it warnt herpees licking my face! blech. obvously herpees was likcin the koolaid. which had zanexx. doubbl dose i should mention. cos herpees liked my specil blend n went lappin it up all over the floor where i spillt it. now herpees is zonked out cold, prolly dreamin doggy dreams sumwhere in poochitaneea where they eat kats and hamptsters. maybee sqwirrls to. dont know cos i aint no mutt. so i got done lookin over these posts i typed and seen i didnt spill the beans, jes the kooilaid...
DJunkie spect we best just leave ole Chub whur he is. He ain't ready yet. now his patooty is fresh as a flower after Lardass let him take a shower and for Lardass he does toil with plenty of sweet smelling baby oil. Chubb.if you ever want free we will jist let you tell us. No hard feelins okay? Yu be careful. We'uns here still keer about you.
sallysu, you wanna help free me? heres what ya must do. now listen up. and read up since thiss the net. ya need to get all yer friens and yerself to click the tb2k paypal button. click offen. giv genrously til it hurts. and then sum. member, ifn all ppl care enuff bout me, theyll continusly click tb2k payapl button. mornin. noon. nite. even middl of nite when they git up to pee. thisll help uncle buck free me. honest. im typin this best i can from uncle bucks own notes. thanx for yer support.