Ditto E.C. I understand you're doing your part and we all are. It's still not a license to be abusive and well I have to say it again: TB mod-like. There's no other way I can say it to make myself clear. Would you have pounced if dj HAD been a male like I assumed? No, I didn't think so. Dude I thought DJ was a guy so you are way off base with your comment. Male or female, it doesn't matter and I still think your attempt at humor sucks. BTW we have drifited this thread far enough and I am not going to reply to you unless it's about the original topic.
-- Edited by Eric Cartman at 10:17, 2007-05-16
-- Edited by Eric Cartman at 10:51, 2007-05-16
When a chick says we need to talk, you might as well start punching yourself in the balls, dude.
Well, dj... for someone who is so offended by my witty repartee (ask Kat), you sure seem to know a lot about "gay" lingo. I spoke of "fruit loop" ANOTHER stranger to me on the message boards, which should be obvious from the context of the post. Now you tell me that fl is another term for fag hag. I can't help your oversensitivity to terms and names that have no meaning to me in the first place... You're going to have to believe that and let it slide.
I meant what I said before. If you're going to play with the boys, it would be wise to toughen up a bit. There was no obscenity and no intent on my part (per Kat) and if you can't take my word for it, I can't help you.
I'm not sure how long you lurked at UB, but what went down between us was MILD in comparison to trash and hate thrown around loosely without comment.
Ditto E.C. I understand you're doing your part and we all are. It's still not a license to be abusive and well I have to say it again: TB mod-like. There's no other way I can say it to make myself clear. Would you have pounced if dj HAD been a male like I assumed? No, I didn't think so. Fine and dandy if dj wants to play gender identity games, engage in gay humor and then recoil in horror when it comes (in a friendly way, I might add) back at her. It's a part of the game and you know it.
dj: Whatever was REALLY eating you yesterday (and today), I hope you're over it. I am, now.
E.C. I'll be glad to communicate by PM when the same courtesy is extended to me. Ditto dj.
Kat, as you now know, I did think to PM you, a little late, but my, tempers do flare.
Truce and hopeful for peace, but NEVER AGAIN with the TB gestapo stuff. Your entitled to your opinion E.C., but this should be a lesson that AS A MOD, often expressing your opinion about a non-vicious post or a simple misunderstanding will only bring you more stress than you're already feeling; with authority comes responsibilty and accountablilty. Isn't that what this is all about?
I do this not only for myself, but for those who are now hesitant to express themselves (like the poor souls at TB), especially after the bad idea of posting IPS (IMO). I'm not an insider, but I do consult other members, so I'm not alone feeling this way.
Am trying and will try to get in the spirit of this thing, but the most recent posts by E.C and to a lesser extent dj (still with the fag hag schtick?) do not reflect what's being asked of me.
In the future (hopefully there will be no need), all of my communications will be delivered by PMs.
Just addressing what both other parties expressed yet again on the MF AFTER Kat asked (me) to communicate any grievances by PM. I would and do expect the same from E.C. & dj.
Good night everyone.
Oblivious, you got played. I wasn't offended, I was phishing to see if you were an old timer or modship; nothing personal. Now settle down and be a man about it. We already have one drama queen to deal with, lol.
data junkie, thats an old pic. uncle buck snapped scads of pics. and movies to. sepcial loops on the servor. and uncle buck bought me a big wardrob. all kinds of costumes, wigs, hey, i can put on a big show, soap opra with lots of soap! la la la! ancore to...
Probably because he'd have to end up banning five people on that thread alone, not to mention that he'd be fessing up to playing the skin flute. Once started it would quickly snowball out of his control. Which would be a hoot to watch, as meltdowns there always are.
I guess I could have done like Mom of 23 goats and get a million posts by typing over and and over the same thing for all the threads, something like I think you are right...
There is Another Who Must Not Be Named that was the absolute master of that, bar-none! Then she downed 600 or so pills, soiled the couch and went away. But then she came back. And then went away again. And then came back again... Somewhere she waits to ::hugs:: :: ::etc.:: us all to death.
Welcome to the board! Don't worry, the Kool-Aid wears off quickly!
hi kat, uncle buck he does say profund things. to me in the gayrage. when were alone. cant repeat em here on this pubic forum. i tell uncle buck im commited to him for life. he says i should be comitted fer life. i say, uncle buck, whatd i jes tell ya? then he laughs deep belly laugh bwahahahahahaaaa! n showz his appreciashun how much he cares bout me.
A thread was resurrected by Green Co. about gays. Gay bashing started as members called being gay an abomination. A gay member showed up and was called a queer and from there it just got better. Fatboy was silent when it was on the main.
When a chick says we need to talk, you might as well start punching yourself in the balls, dude.
Hadn't thought about Fatboy as a lot lizard, but now that you mention it.....
mudd, you got it wrong. uncle buck aint never been no lot lizard. yall know what a lot lizardd is? truckers park in the lots and git visits from lizards. lizards do things tht make truckrs happy. need i say more? okay, i will. years ago i was the best lott lizard in west vagina. yep, truckers knew who i was. my reptation posted even on restroom walls. heh. howz that? one lonely rainy night uncle buck pulled in to the truck stop. and there we met. i wont go into details. leave it to yer imagaination or jes leave it out... i said bye to the other lizards, left the turck stop and hitched up with uncle buck. we had lots of adventures in the cities and all over usa. and now i live in the gayrage, mostly. im past my lot lizard prime, sad to say. but we have our mammeries of the good times.