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Control Freak

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Old Today, 08:30 PM
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icon15.gifADMIN - JUST SO YOU ALL KNOW - About Plain O Joe and his threats on my life

PoJ has been banned (for a couple of days now) for a series of activities that are, IMO, VERY suspicious. I was just alerted from a staff member that PoJ has threatened my life. He's stated that if he were ever banned, he'd come to my home and... well, you know.

So, just to get this all on the public record, I wanted you all to know this. According to my information, his real name is Joe Gates and he lives with brooks in boston. I wanted you all to know that from what he's threatened, he may be a very dangerous man. If something happens, the various law enforcement agencies should be directed at him, at least at first. (Evidently he doesn't work, so has a lot of time on his hands...)

Just an FYI.

-- Edited by Kat at 22:48, 2007-05-04

-- Edited by Eric Cartman on Wednesday 9th of February 2011 08:39:28 AM

When a chick says we need to talk, you might as well start punching yourself in the balls, dude.

Control Freak

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When a chick says we need to talk, you might as well start punching yourself in the balls, dude.

Control Freak

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Old Today, 08:33 PM
The Big Bobber 754
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Damn, you're popular. So many folks wanting to meet you f2f. You are gonna need an Obamma security detail.

Kidding aside...very sorry to hear there are still morons out there trying to wreck a good thing. I know you know how to handle yourself and this. Take care.
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us."
Old Today, 08:35 PM
Chief Curmudgeon 754
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You know, what's really amusing to me is that some people in this world are sick enough over an Internet MESSAGE BOARD to threaten crap like this. Truly, the veneer of civilization is thin indeed.
Old Today, 08:37 PM
..... 754
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Actually, he instals radio controlled fence gates, among other things.
Chop Water, Haul Wood.

10 Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

It's time for people who believe that they have a stake in Western civilization and its traditions to get a little backbone -- even if it offends somebody.

Fred D Thompson

Old Today, 08:38 PM
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Originally Posted by night driver
Actually, he instals radio controlled fence gates, among other things.

Yes. Part time and occasionally.
Old Today, 08:39 PM
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Oh my Gosh! Please take care.
Old Today, 08:42 PM
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Some people need hobbies. Badly.

Rooting for you, Dennis. My condolences on your recent troubles. Big names make for big targets from small people.

When a chick says we need to talk, you might as well start punching yourself in the balls, dude.


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Lard ass is looking for easy targets to prop himself up with, have some kool-aid [I like the purple stuff} and enjoy the show.


Control Freak

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Today, 08:44 PM
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Dennis: I guess this is where Hermione gets to earn all that kibble!

Better tell her not to bite, might leave a bad taste in her mouth! biggrin.gif


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Old Today, 08:45 PM
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Big names make for big targets from small people.

Except that I'm really a nobody... wink.gif
Old Today, 08:45 PM
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Well, I for one am nervous, as board explosions often portend real-world explosions.

This is a record breaker here, huh? shocker.gif
Old Today, 08:47 PM
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This is getting to be way past the point of ridiculous. Thanks for letting us know Dennis.
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Old Today, 08:48 PM
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WTF, Dennis? To threaten someones' life over banning on a message board? That person really needs to get a life.

Better safe than sorry, Dennis. Cover your six!

Either lead or follow but get the hell out of the way!!!

If your not part of the solution, then your part of the problem!!
Old Today, 08:52 PM
Now running for Emperor. 754
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Good grief. PoJ's life must be REALLY pathetic and REALLY unpleasant.

You're in my prayers Dennis.

Here's hoping PoJ gets some therapy.
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When a chick says we need to talk, you might as well start punching yourself in the balls, dude.

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heh heh  What I meant to say was big fat tubs of **** make big targets for elderly one-eyed trigger happy yahoos in the East Texas piney woods, and small children with autism and Down's Syndrome...

what a fuggin' nut-job.....



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WHat happened with night driver? In his other post he said that he talked with XXX. What a load of ****. Lardass is indeed losing what few brain cells he has left.

PoJ could probably start a lawsuit now too. I say go for it.

This would be laughable if it wasn't so obvious that his tactics are to rally the wagons into a circle. This pure bull****.

-- Edited by Kat at 22:49, 2007-05-04

-- Edited by Kat at 23:14, 2007-05-04


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I don't find the claim credible. POJ was on the banhammer list last year and was totally cool about it all. Thanks for the cross-post Cartman.


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What an absolute crock. WHAT series of activities that are/were 'very suspicious'? I'd like to see a list of those - what they were, how DO found out about 'them', who told him & why they justified a stealth ban. Alerted by a staff member that POJ threatened his life? Would come to his house &... what? If he had no qualms about posting what he thinks his RL name is, you'd think he'd be fine with posting the specific nature of that threat. He'd better have that verified in an iron clad way - legally speaking or he's in for a world of hurt. What staff member I wonder... the Janitor?

If something happens, send the authorities to his place? What the Hell is the man smoking?

Wow - first he 'evidently doesn't work', then he says: "Yes part time & occasionally'. Which is it, DO? Pick one - it's not hard to make a choice. Or maybe it is - you seem equally sure of both.

And just by what's been C & Ped over here, it seems a few are simply taking his word for it? Is the rest of that thread in the main forum?


Control Freak

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Today, 08:53 PM
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The reason I joined this board is because it is populated with like-minded people, albeit with different perspectives, morals, judgements and attitudes. Diversity, with a common bond. While I have major disagreements with some people on this board, and indeed, in life, I would never even think to threaten - either mentally or physically anyone! I thought the whole idea of prepping was to survive - read live, and the whole idea of discussion was just that - discussion.

Dennis, may you walk in safety and peace. Glad you've taken the necessary steps to protect you and yours. Prayers be with you and your family.

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Old Today, 08:54 PM
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That is some crazy sh!t. Good lord what was he thinking.. bhmohammed2.gif
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Old Today, 08:56 PM
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I'm just shaking my head at the whole thing, as this is truely nuts.

Praying for your safety and some sort of peacful end to this Dennis
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Old Today, 08:59 PM
..... 754
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Gee, uhm, I'm reliably informed that there was never a threat made.

Perhaps, this is more of a misundertanding....

As a matter of fact, Joe indicates that venting to Satanta last night has allowed him to head off into the sunset.

And I'm reliably informed that you won't find ANY ill will posted at any other venue he posts at.

Joe says "thanks Dennis for the run. You have given me 5 years here which were a lt of fun, and you've managed to give me the greatest gift I could have in the world, meeting the love of my life....

Best of luck n godspeed to you Dennis... I'm out of here ..."
Chop Water, Haul Wood.

10 Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

It's time for people who believe that they have a stake in Western civilization and its traditions to get a little backbone -- even if it offends somebody.

Fred D Thompson

Old Today, 09:06 PM
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Be careful who you listen to on this one, Dennis. Nothing funny about a libel suit.
Old Today, 09:07 PM
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Originally Posted by night driver
Gee, uhm, I'm reliably informed that there was never a threat made.

Perhaps, this is more of a misundertanding....

As a matter of fact, Joe indicates that venting to Satanta last night has allowed him to head off into the sunset.

And I'm reliably informed that you won't find ANY ill will posted at any other venue he posts at.

Joe says "thanks Dennis for the run. You have given me 5 years here which were a lt of fun, and you've managed to give me the greatest gift I could have in the world, meeting the love of my life....

Best of luck n godspeed to you Dennis... I'm out of here ..."

What in the world?! Who is telling the truth?
Old Today, 09:16 PM
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WTF Dennis! Threatening your life on an internet message board. Thats pretty whack. But to divulge his name and where he lives is just damn wrong.

This threat is appears to be hearsay anyway.

I signed on to TB under anonymity. With the trust that I would remain anonymous.

This is my first experience with any kind of board wars and I aint diggin it!

Honestly Im a little apprehensive about how unsecure this place is becoming.
He who angers you conquers you.

When a chick says we need to talk, you might as well start punching yourself in the balls, dude.

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And now that thread has vanished into the rarified air known as 'Staff Only'. Idiot didn't realize by the time someone with a brain cell on staff woke up & buried that that it would already be saved on several dozen hard drives?


Control Freak

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Today, 09:20 PM
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First, the staffer was NOT Satanta. Second, the staff member is willing to testify in court that this threat was made. Third, this threat was made some time ago, and not just yesterday. Chuck - you're being lied to. For the record, I just learned about this 10 minutes before I posted this thread.

EDIT: BAW - I'll not allow someone to remain anonymous that threatens either myself or other staff member (and means it). Sorry if you feel uncomfortable, but if he was coming after someone in YOUR family, you might have a different viewpoint....

EDIT2: This isn't a "board war." This is REAL LIFE, and I take that that MUCH more seriously than a petty Internet squabble.

EDIT3: PoJ has called my home already three times this evening. His tone was threatening to say the least (although my life wasn't threatened during the messages). I've saved the voicemails.

EDIT4: I'll be speaking to my attorney about this issue on Monday, and will contact the St. Croix county DA's office as well. (I already met with him over the slander/libel/stalking issue, so he knows what's going on.)
Old Today, 09:24 PM
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spinsmile.gif Its days like this that make me glad I'm not a mod here anymore.
Old Today, 09:32 PM
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If someone threaten my life, and I knew who it was, I'd be in quick contact with the police.

After all, saying you're going to kill someone is probably a crime.

redstarsm.gifTo some G-d calls in a whisper, to others with a shout--depending on how close they are to Him.
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Old Today, 09:33 PM
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Ok, this whole 'board war' thing is new to me, I haven't been here very long. I gotta tell you, I got curious about all this hype & took a peek over at the other board that was linked yesterday. There are some very serious accusations being made over there. I dunno who's telling the truth & who's lying, but for the time being, Im gonna be very careful what I talk about on here. I don't like this at all. shakehead.gif

When a chick says we need to talk, you might as well start punching yourself in the balls, dude.

Control Freak

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Today, 09:35 PM
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Any one who threatens my life had better be ready to loose his own.......I hope you feel the same Dennis.......don't play around with a madman.......windsail.......

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#26 Today, 09:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Dennis Olson
PoJ has been banned (for a couple of days now) for a series of activities that are, IMO, VERY suspicious. I was just alerted from a staff member that PoJ has threatened my life. He's stated that if he were ever banned, he'd come to my home and... well, you know.

So, just to get this all on the public record, I wanted you all to know this. According to my information, his real name is XXX and he lives with XXX in XXX. I wanted you all to know that from what he's threatened, he may be a very dangerous man. If something happens, the various law enforcement agencies should be directed at him, at least at first. (Evidently he doesn't work, so has a lot of time on his hands...)

Just an FYI.


You said, "He's stated that if he were ever banned, he'd come to my home and... well, you know."

Well, no, I DON'T know. That's a pretty cheesy way to make a public accusation followed by posting his real name and city.

Since you are publicly stating all of this, I want you to publicly state precisely where and how these threats were made along with any other pertinent details.

Put up or shut up, Dennis.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


-- Edited by Kat at 22:57, 2007-05-04

When a chick says we need to talk, you might as well start punching yourself in the balls, dude.

Control Freak

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Today, 09:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Warren Bone
If someone threaten my life, and I knew who it was, I'd be in quick contact with the police.

After all, saying you're going to kill someone is probably a crime.


Actually, it is. It's a 415 PC. If you make the threat over the telephone or any other federally regulated communication venue, it can turn Federal real fast if someone is inclined to take it that far.

It's just not cool, it's a waste of LEO time if it's simply words spoken in anger, and that diverts vital resources away from areas that require LEO presence.

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#28 Today, 09:51 PM
Wise Owl
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I can also verify that XXX did not threaten anyone.

This is getting way over the top, here. I trust Night Driver when he says XXX didn't do this as I have heard from equally reliable sources that this is false......

MAYBE someone else is calling you and telling you it's XXX?

Something is not adding up here.
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#29 Today, 09:53 PM
Dennis Olson
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I now have independent verification that XXX did indeed threaten my life. I'll be calling the police to swear out a complaint shortly.

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#30 Today, 09:54 PM
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Chuck- we've known each other for a looong time and you know when I say it I stand by it. Never insinuate or second guess what I *might* or might not have said to someone. Ask me directly or shut the **** up.

I talked to XXX last night and have looked n on the board twice since then posting in the staff area once-and it had nothing to do with XXX.

Yes- XXX is pissed. [per a voicemaile left this evening while I was talking to another freind of mine from TB. gGreat conversations with him. Very funny.]

This thread needs removing like BEFORE it was posted.

I'm not defending anyone here at the moment because I got a panicked call on this thread so five minutes or so ago was the first I've heard of it and/or any threats.

Now, go read something else and keep my name out of it for safeties sakes and one longevity on the board.

"Mankinds First Localized Human Disaster"

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"Satantaisms:: What one get when typing a mssg, proofreading then hitting 'Post' only to see that every other word is mispelled ibe ^%&$# lrrtwr idd.

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#31 Today, 09:56 PM
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Its days like this that make me glad I'm not a mod here anymore.


When did you escape the Mod cage??

That means you have nore time to access the "Tarmac"......(in that pink thingy... )....
The Pulse of the USA !

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#32 Today, 09:56 PM
Dennis Olson
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To answer WB - the ONLY reason this thread was posted was to MAKE SURE that the threat was made public, so that if something happens in meatworld that the authorities have a place to start their investigation. Silence and hiding are the things that make these kinds of crimes possible. Only by shining a spotlight on such things are they (hopefully) interrupted before literal action can be taken by the perpetrator.

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#33 Today, 09:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Wise Owl
I can also verify that Joe did not threaten anyone.

This is getting way over the top, here. I trust Night Driver when he says XXX didn't do this as I have heard from equally reliable sources that this is false......

MAYBE someone else is calling you and telling you it's Joe?

Something is not adding up here.

That could be. I've seen a whole ****load of hate spewed over at that "other place" that is now closed, enough so that I wouldn't put it past anyone there to place a call to someone stating they were Joe and proffering bogus threats.

The purpose would be to jam Dennis up in an embarrassing (and inaccurate) situation. PoJ would simply be collateral damage.

"God help us, the brave have left the building."

-- Edited by Kat at 23:00, 2007-05-04

When a chick says we need to talk, you might as well start punching yourself in the balls, dude.

Control Freak

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DAnon wrote:

And now that thread has vanished into the rarified air known as 'Staff Only'. Idiot didn't realize by the time someone with a brain cell on staff woke up & buried that that it would already be saved on several dozen hard drives?

Ya Think?biggrin

When a chick says we need to talk, you might as well start punching yourself in the balls, dude.

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DO is enough to make me sick. He is so filled with his own importance and delusional/paranoid to boot.

I think I smell another fundraiser in the air. 

Kitty in VA


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Satanta Rosanadana wrote:
This thread needs removing like BEFORE it was posted.

Too late pseudo injun boy!

OMG they've all lost their f'n minds! I'd love to see lard ass pursue a court case. I think we'd all fly up there to tape an infotube of the circus smile.gif

Lard Ass  blows smoke out his ass, nothing more. He's got to be the biggest fraud I know.


-- Edited by chopper at 22:02, 2007-05-04



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Did anyone grab Invar's post on the last part of the thread? They poofed it before I had a chance to read it.


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I'm having a hard time believing that XXX actually made a "death threat" against him.   Betcha Fatboy is making a mountain out of a molehill by twisting words around and having delusions of grandeur.


-- Edited by Kat at 23:05, 2007-05-04

I didn't kiss Jor_el's ass.  Therefore, my name is Mudd.

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#33 Today, 09:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Wise Owl
I can also verify that XXX did not threaten anyone.

This is getting way over the top, here. I trust Night Driver when he says XXX didn't do this as I have heard from equally reliable sources that this is false......

MAYBE someone else is calling you and telling you it's XXX?

Something is not adding up here.

That could be. I've seen a whole ****load of hate spewed over at that "other place" that is now closed, enough so that I wouldn't put it past anyone there to place a call to someone stating they were XXX and proffering bogus threats.

The purpose would be to jam Dennis up in an embarrassing (and inaccurate) situation. PoJ would simply be collateral damage.

A regular Sherlock Freaking Holmes.

-- Edited by Kat at 23:03, 2007-05-04

When a chick says we need to talk, you might as well start punching yourself in the balls, dude.

Control Freak

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Something is not adding up here.
No sh*t Sherlock

When a chick says we need to talk, you might as well start punching yourself in the balls, dude.

Control Freak

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YaesuF817 wrote:

Did anyone grab Invar's post on the last part of the thread? They poofed it before I had a chance to read it.

Dang I missed some.

When a chick says we need to talk, you might as well start punching yourself in the balls, dude.

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So has D'Anne posted, 'verifying' that these three voice mails were recieved? How about Hermione?



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Hey, you did good. I'm sure others copied it.


Control Freak

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Thank you. I was busy posting what I copied and didn't bother to check back between posts. Sorry guys.

When a chick says we need to talk, you might as well start punching yourself in the balls, dude.

Control Freak

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Someone should notify XXX and XXX about this.

-- Edited by Kat at 23:17, 2007-05-04

When a chick says we need to talk, you might as well start punching yourself in the balls, dude.


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XXX's aware (as per posts on thread at CE).

-- Edited by Kat at 23:19, 2007-05-04



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Already done. They know.


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Oh yeah, XXX knows.

-- Edited by Kat at 23:16, 2007-05-04


Control Freak

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DAnon wrote:

Oh yeah, XXX knows.

How's he taking it?

-- Edited by Kat at 23:20, 2007-05-04

When a chick says we need to talk, you might as well start punching yourself in the balls, dude.

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XXX should take it right to an attorney.

-- Edited by Kat at 23:20, 2007-05-04


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I don't know how he's taking it - honestly. I haven't seen anyone outside of TB waste a split second thinking this could be true to any degree. It's just not like XXX IT sure as hell is like Dennis to start idiocy like this though.

this supposed to deflect from the C&D letter nonsense? Because if so, talk about frying pan into the fire!

-- Edited by Kat at 23:02, 2007-05-04


Control Freak

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DAnon wrote:

I don't know how he's taking it - honestly. I haven't seen anyone outside of TB waste a split second thinking this could be true to any degree. It's just not like XXX. It sure as hell IS like Dennis to start idiocy like this though.

Is this supposed to deflect from the C&D letter nonsense? Because if so, talk about frying pan into the fire!

If Fat ass contacts the LEO's XXX had better get an attorney quick. 

-- Edited by Kat at 23:13, 2007-05-04

When a chick says we need to talk, you might as well start punching yourself in the balls, dude.


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Post #28 Wise Owl:

I can also verify that XXX did not threaten anyone. This is getting way over the top, here. I trust Night Driver when he says XXX didn't do this as I have heard from equally reliable sources that this is false......MAYBE someone else is calling you and telling you it's XXX? Something is not adding up here.

-- Edited by Amazon Woman from the Moon at 23:14, 2007-05-04

-- Edited by Kat at 23:15, 2007-05-04



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YaesuF817 wrote:

Did anyone grab Invar's post on the last part of the thread? They poofed it before I had a chance to read it.

here you go

Old Today, 10:08 PM
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Airing this all out on a public forum is NOT WISE Dennis.

Both you and this board would have been better served by keeping this situation close and private, without either dragging the board community into it and/or telegraphing your intentions about a potential criminal matter.

All of the evidence of threats or perceived threats could have been handed to the proper authorities without involving or disrupting the board as I will bet this situation will soon escalate to.

It serves no purpose to publicly post such things, and if it turns out to be a deliberate ruse or an incorrect feint to goad you into the action you have just commited - then you may have just put yourself (and this board) into legal jeopardy.

My advice is to shut down this thread, keep this situation to yourself and those who need to know and let both law enforcement and your legal counsel handle the situation. You will jeoparadize this entire place and yourself by doing any less.

Think and use some wisdom.
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"you dumbf**k, Invar" - SugarMagnolia, 4/13/06
INVAR! Greetings, you pompous ass! - Zen, 7/12/06
Invar you are an impotent bile filled hatemonger! - dragonslayer, 7/23/06
Invar is a jackboot...And above all, remember, that God is with Invar! - Ragnarok, 7/23/06
Invar is a coward. A couch potato whose life is so bereft of excitement that he creates it in his own mind. - Charles I 7-/26/05
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here's the rest of the posts until they closed it to non-members.  I loved the hoorah  by a member with 27 posts!

Old Today, 09:59 PM
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The people who have spoken to me had direct conversations with him (and they've had them before, so they know who he is), where the threats were made. This is not a hoax, and the people involved are willing to speak to the police about it. Again, PoJ somehow got my home phone number and called me this evening as well. This is NO HOAX and NO JOKE, and Joe is definitely the guy making the threats. And the people to whom he spoke WILL testify in court.
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Old Today, 10:01 PM
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Well, I am going back to the recalls....this is getting a little too over the top for me....see ya!
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Old Today, 10:08 PM
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Airing this all out on a public forum is NOT WISE Dennis.

Both you and this board would have been better served by keeping this situation close and private, without either dragging the board community into it and/or telegraphing your intentions about a potential criminal matter.

All of the evidence of threats or perceived threats could have been handed to the proper authorities without involving or disrupting the board as I will bet this situation will soon escalate to.

It serves no purpose to publicly post such things, and if it turns out to be a deliberate ruse or an incorrect feint to goad you into the action you have just commited - then you may have just put yourself (and this board) into legal jeopardy.

My advice is to shut down this thread, keep this situation to yourself and those who need to know and let both law enforcement and your legal counsel handle the situation. You will jeoparadize this entire place and yourself by doing any less.

Think and use some wisdom.
"Fart for freedom, fart for liberty and fart proudly." - Benjamin Franklin

"you dumbf**k, Invar" - SugarMagnolia, 4/13/06
INVAR! Greetings, you pompous ass! - Zen, 7/12/06
Invar you are an impotent bile filled hatemonger! - dragonslayer, 7/23/06
Invar is a jackboot...And above all, remember, that God is with Invar! - Ragnarok, 7/23/06
Invar is a coward. A couch potato whose life is so bereft of excitement that he creates it in his own mind. - Charles I 7-/26/05
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Old Today, 10:19 PM
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Originally Posted by INVAR View Post
Airing this all out on a public forum is NOT WISE Dennis.

Both you and this board would have been better served by keeping this situation close and private, without either dragging the board community into it and/or telegraphing your intentions about a potential criminal matter.

All of the evidence of threats or perceived threats could have been handed to the proper authorities without involving or disrupting the board as I will bet this situation will soon escalate to.

It serves no purpose to publicly post such things, and if it turns out to be a deliberate ruse or an incorrect feint to goad you into the action you have just commited - then you may have just put yourself (and this board) into legal jeopardy.

My advice is to shut down this thread, keep this situation to yourself and those who need to know and let both law enforcement and your legal counsel handle the situation. You will jeoparadize this entire place and yourself by doing any less.

Think and use some wisdom.

Posted under Fair Use!....
Carpe Diem.
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Old Today, 10:19 PM
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Originally Posted by windsail View Post
Any one who threatens my life had better be ready to loose his own.......I hope you feel the same Dennis.......don't play around with a madman.......windsail.......

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Chopper thank you.

When a chick says we need to talk, you might as well start punching yourself in the balls, dude.

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As you can see I have edited out the names of the accused person and his location. Lardass is making up **** as he goes along to rally the troops....and before I hear anyone gripe about my editing this thread....I did it to PROTECT an innocent person that is probably pretty upset about all this horse****.

ANy further posts, please put XXX in for the name of that person. If you forget you can edit afterwards.

Thanks in advance.


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We should get a pool going on how many members he loses over this lastest fiasco.

When a chick says we need to talk, you might as well start punching yourself in the balls, dude.

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Let's see if I got this straight:

XXX is banned 'several days ago for a series of activities that are, IMO, VERY suspicious'. Then a staff member alerts DO that XXX has made threats on his, (DO's), life. To CYA he posts the members real, (so he thinks), name & a few other details & says if anything happens, authorities should be directed towards XXX's place first. Clearly XXX has the opportunity... he doesn't work. Later, he just as positively states that XXX only works part time, sometimes, or something...

Later... staff member is willing to swear to this in court. XXX has called DO THREE times this evening - no threats but a threatening tone. Think I might sound pissed off/threatening if I'd been reading this **** - if these calls were made. No backup from D'Anne who was damned quick to downplay the threads pointing out the gay sex solicitations.

Going to speak to his attorney Monday - they must be on a first name & car pool basis by now.

This is rich:

(Only by shining a spotlight on such things are they (hopefully) interrupted before literal action can be taken by the perpetrator)

Kind of like Bob's shone a spotlight on those jorel ads, etcetera?

Then in post #34, suddenly it's the PEOPLE who have spoken to DO had direct conversations with XXX where threats were made. How many people, exactly Dennis? And how is it, if these were seemingly valid threats, did no one until now, say a word to you about them?

In the space of a few hours, it went from suspicious activities to ONE threat of violence reported, (hearsay), to several. It's no hoax, no joke, they're willing to go to court.... where any lawyer XXX hires will surely want to know why they didn't see fit to tell DO right WHEN these threats were uttered.

A lot of older members, (those few left), aren't buying & it's probably scaring off newer ones who didn't sign up for this. It disappeared damned fast after several older members made it clear they weren't buying or, no matter what was or wasn't happening, posting it publicly was idiotic.

Any lawyer XXX chooses to hire if he goes that route, will have a complete field day with this.

-- Edited by DAnon at 23:44, 2007-05-04


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Old Today, 10:08 PM
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Airing this all out on a public forum is NOT WISE Dennis.

Both you and this board would have been better served by keeping this situation close and private, without either dragging the board community into it and/or telegraphing your intentions about a potential criminal matter.

All of the evidence of threats or perceived threats could have been handed to the proper authorities without involving or disrupting the board as I will bet this situation will soon escalate to.

It serves no purpose to publicly post such things, and if it turns out to be a deliberate ruse or an incorrect feint to goad you into the action you have just commited - then you may have just put yourself (and this board) into legal jeopardy.

My advice is to shut down this thread, keep this situation to yourself and those who need to know and let both law enforcement and your legal counsel handle the situation. You will jeoparadize this entire place and yourself by doing any less.

Think and use some wisdom.

First time I have read a post of his that makes good sense.

When a chick says we need to talk, you might as well start punching yourself in the balls, dude.

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It makes a lot of sense. The alleged action has nothing to do with any member of the board but DO & those who were allegedly called.

Such a general announcement is nothing but grandstanding.



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All I can say about this is that Lard Ass should know plenty about getting hauled into court for threatening over the phone!  idea


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Like it or not the board members and TB2k Inc. thanks to fatboy are in it up to their necks if xxx cares to pursue the matter.

When a chick says we need to talk, you might as well start punching yourself in the balls, dude.

Control Freak

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Charlie wrote:

All I can say about this is that Lard Ass should know plenty about getting hauled into court for threatening over the phone!  idea

Except fatboy learned of the threat through hearsay.

When a chick says we need to talk, you might as well start punching yourself in the balls, dude.

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Except that there was no threat of which to learn.



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RE: Gestapo Tactics In Action

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Old Today, 12:44 AM
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WTF?!? - I gotta ask

What happened to the XXX / Dennis thread? What did I miss? Where did it go?
He who angers you conquers you.
Unread Today, 12:58 AM
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It appears that the entire thread has been deleted. Why? By whom? Don't know.

Either lead or follow but get the hell out of the way!!!

If your not part of the solution, then your part of the problem!!
Unread Today, 01:00 AM
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The thread was removed from the main. This thread will be closed now.

Remember the three R's:

Respect for self
Respect for others and
Responsibility for all your actions.

-- Edited by Kat at 00:32, 2007-05-05


Control Freak

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WTF?!? - I gotta ask


What happened to the XXX / Dennis thread? What did I miss? Where did it go?

It never existed. Nothing to see, move along.

-- Edited by Kat at 06:50, 2007-05-05

When a chick says we need to talk, you might as well start punching yourself in the balls, dude.


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-- Edited by kiki at 06:48, 2007-05-05


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I've seen some outrageous, crazy **** since I've been on the interwebbie thing, but nothing tops this.


Control Freak

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Fatboy really stepped in it this time. If XXX wanted to pursue this he could end up owning TB2Gay Inc.

When a chick says we need to talk, you might as well start punching yourself in the balls, dude.
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