#3 Today, 08:06 AM Dennis Olson Chief Curmudgeon 754 Join Date: May 2001 Location: Wisconsin Posts: 35,301
Joe was removed for a number of reasons. He'd been to TO, warned, been to TO, warned, etc, etc. We'd allowed him to get away with far more than we should have BECAUSE we felt he was a good guy. However, he was engaged in activities of late that simply couldn't be ignored. Unfortunately, he'd used up his "get out of jail free" cards a LONG time ago, and he was well aware of that fact. I sent him a personal email (that was before I learned that he'd threatened my life) expressing my personal regret that he'd been banned.
When a chick says we need to talk, you might as well start punching yourself in the balls, dude.
I can vouch for both him and Brooks (as if we don't already know that), having met both of them IRL. This is just another typical Olson Justification for poor behavior.
Today, 09:20 PM Dennis Olson Chief Curmudgeon 754 Join Date: May 2001 Location: Wisconsin Posts: 35,293
First, the staffer was NOT Satanta. Second, the staff member is willing to testify in court that this threat was made.
Chopper wrote:
Chopper wrote:
#34 Old Today, 09:59 PM Dennis Olson's Avatar Dennis Olson Dennis Olson is offline Chief Curmudgeon 754
Join Date: May 2001 Location: Wisconsin Posts: 35,294 The people who have spoken to me had direct conversations with him (and they've had them before, so they know who he is), where the threats were made... And the people to whom he spoke WILL testify in court.
TodayDennis Olson's Avatar Dennis Olson Dennis Olson is online now Chief Curmudgeon
Join Date: May 2001 Location: Wisconsin
I will say this one time:
I have independently verified information that XXX, who lives in XXX with XXX, has threatened my life. I chose to make the threat public in the hope that shining the light of day on such a THREAT TO MURDER SOMEONE BY A MEMBER would cause the person to rethink their pending actions. Once a THREAT TO MURDER SOMEONE is made here, all guarantees of "meatworld privacy" are null and void.
If some of you cannot understand WHY that would be true, I do invite you to make your cyber home elsewhere. I will not discuss this further, nor debate with those of you armchair quarterbacks to have NOTHING BUT WORDS invested in this. My life was directly threatened. Not yours or your loved ones. Now I respectfully submit that you consider the hard reality of what I just said.
Brooks was entirely collateral damage. When Lynnie was banned, she immediately logged on as Markus in an attempt to continue her "crusade." Because of that, Markus' account had to be removed as well. When PoJ was banned, I felt that he'd simply log on as Brooks and continue doing the things that caused his removal. (And no, it was NOT his responses on a thread that brought it on.)
Staff decisions are not up for a popularity vote. The fact that we even ALLOW discussion of these topics should be proof enough of how genuinely lenient this place is compared to many others. I WILL take whatever action I deem necessary to safeguard not only the forum and its members, but myself as well. Note that recently, there have been forays from ex-members into MY REAL LIFE. Because of that, I take a murder threat pretty seriously.
You are free not to of course, because it's not your lives that are being threatened.
Now, if you can't remain on TB after reading this post, please just LEAVE. The Internet is a very big place. My goal is to remain safe, and keep my family safe, in our real world lives. Whether or not that affects some of your "personal trust" in me doesn't matter...
EDIT: For the record, I just finished providing the responding officer with the complete details and contact information not only for the people to whom XXX made the threats, but for XXX as well. So the whole thing is now completely on-the-record with the police.
DJ, if you're in contact with the accused, please let him know that people aren't buying this outrageous, outright lie from Lardass. XXX has the support of many, many people.
I thought when he accused Vipper that was as low as he could get, but he topped himself with this one.
Do the mods and other admins not understand that as TB is now incorporated, they are in fact agents of the company and can also be held liable for making/maintaining false accusations? It doesn't matter if they're compensated or not, they're acting and serving as agents of the company.
I don't believe for a minute they all believe this latest crap, so why do they stay? If it's out of some ill-conceived misplaced loyalty to DO, the kindest thing they could do is figure out how to get him involuntarily committed and then do it.
I think in view of this latest LardAssian spasm, it's time to notify the Wisconsin authorities that there is a criminal [he has a criminal record so he's a criminal] in their jurisdiction running an ongoing criminal enterprise and an Internet cult.
Where's the list of all his criminal conduct ranging from the illegal raffle, vote fraud, stolen money from fundraisers, threats to the lives of the Exxon CEO and the Federal Attorney, etc etc ad nauseum?
I'm sure I'm far from the only person who's been communicating to 'the accused' that nobody & I mean NOBODY who's had anything to do with him online buys any of this garbage for a second. I hope he believes that because even the few people I know who've had some issues with him in the past flat out refuse to buy into this ****.
X wrote: I don't believe for a minute they all believe this latest crap, so why do they stay? If it's out of some ill-conceived misplaced loyalty to DO, the kindest thing they could do is figure out how to get him involuntarily committed and then do it.
they must be making an unfreakinbeliveable amount of money. 7+ yrs x $$$,$$$.$$ ?
The latest . . . right before the thread got closed . . .
Yesterday, 11:37 PM
Dennis Olson Chief Curmudgeon
Join Date: May 2001 Location: Wisconsin Posts: 35,320 onebyone said:
Quote: Since you Dennis have seriously breeched the rules on member's private information and again willfully today, if the rules are going to be followed then Dennis the honorable thing is I am afraid you must step down and appoint or have the board or mods elect a new chief head. You must remove yourself from staff and regretfully have your membership in Timebomb2000 revoked.
No. You are free to go anywhere you wish however, and Godspeed to you.
I learned about the threat to my person about 15 minutes before I posted it to the forum. My thought for posting was simple:
If, by "outing" him, I made him decide to not show up at my door, then that was a win. Why? Because if he DID show up at my door with intent to harm me, I'd have killed him. Now, even if that killing were 100% "righteous" WRT criminal action, I'd still spend the next year in court and $100,000 of my own money in defense of a wrongful death suit. In that event, we'd lose our home and almost everything we own and be destitute.
So, take that chance, or post a public thread to let him know that lots of people now knew what he'd threatened in order to make him reconsider. Seems like the post was the much wiser choice.
And on that note, not ONE of you folks were placed in this position. I was the only person facing this problem. How many of you would be willing to send me thousands of $'s for my defense? How many of you would be in a position to give me a new job when the (potential) wrongful death suit came to trial and my employer cut me loose?
And why did I take THIS particular threat seriously? Because less than two weeks ago, multiple people decided to take a cyber-attack into my real life in a concerted effort to destroy me. So let's just say that I am now more sensitive to nut-cases than I was before all this.
And oBo, who should run TB? YOU??? To be frank, your board persona over the past couple of years has, IMO, demonstrated that you are borderline nuts as well.
This thread has gone way too far. All questions as to why I posted the information have now been answered.
Thread closed. Should any of you wish to continue this discussion, take to some other venue. It will no longer be discussed here. AT ALL. #98 Yesterday, 11:39 PM Renegade Veteran Member
Join Date: May 2002 Location: in the woods.... Posts: 1,337 Just wow.
I leave town yesterday thinking that maybe this latest dustup *might*possibly* be on it's way to winding down. I get back this afternoon to find all of this!
Dennis, I hate to be the one to tell you this but you really **** and fell back in it this time. Going public with Joe's info was just plain wrong, and for multiple reasons. And it wasn't very smart either. If you're told of a threat, you assess the credibility and if you think it's legit, you gather your evidence and give it to the cops. While doing that you make any preparations for you or your family that is pertinent. But, you don't grab your personal high speed electron megaphone and start blabbing it all out to the world. And you sure don't turn around and possibly liable yourself in retaliation.
Richw is about right. You've left your nethers hanging out for target practice.
I've been reading Joe for a quite a few years now and I just don't see it. And not knowing the credibility of your secret accuser, I'd say this has all the looks of two things. Either it's a pot stirring drama event, or you're being played like a fiddle.
Either way, if this was as serious as you are making it out to be, then no one (mods aside) on this board should even know about it.
You can play it smart or emotional, but not both. #99 Yesterday, 11:40 PM
Dennis Olson Chief Curmudgeon
Join Date: May 2001 Location: Wisconsin Posts: 35,320 Renegade, since you DO NOT KNOW who the "witnesses" are, you're position is completely without merit. #100 Yesterday, 11:51 PM
eXe Techno Junkie
Join Date: Jun 1999 Location: The Kingdom Of Nye Posts: 6,836
Quote: Originally Posted by Onebyone
You have had a good long ride being in charge Dennis but you have seriously broken the rules. Do the honorable thing.
I don't mean to pick on you OBO.. but I want everyone to see those words again.
THIS is the agenda here folks.. Kick Dennis out.
THIS is the reason we are going through this every few months.
Some people who deem themselves "More intelligent" then you want to remove Dennis as the one in charge of this board.
Why would they spend hours digging up dirt? Why the CONSTANT attacks? One reason.. They want Dennis gone.
They will lie, threaten, twist the truth, hunt for dirt until one thing happens.. We as a group ignore them.
It gets pretty boring to fight a one sided fight. They can do nothing if we as a group ignore them.
We have seen how they can pull good board members apart, put bits of suspicion into members and look what we have.
You want to "get even" with these people and this get rid of this mentality, do the one thing that will do it and ignore them.
So instead of typing that reply, instead of trolling for dirt on them, instead of arguing with anyone here, just let it go. Let Dennis handle what he needs to and just enjoy tb2k for what it is. People act like this is some kind of national security issue here.. its a MESSAGE BOARD people.. not the end of the world.
If you feel that tb2k has gone bad, by all means, move on (and no I am not trying to say that in a mean way). If you are happy here then stay. You don't own tb2k and tb2k does not own you.
This garbage is so not worth it, We come here to learn and share ideas as well as catch up on news.. we do NOT come here to catch up on the latest he said she said gossip.. its tb2k not Survivor or some other mindless reality show. __________________ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Our enemy has the will to destroy us, but lacks the means. We have the means to destroy our enemy, but lack the will. It is a race to see who gets what first. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
OBO points out LardAss is in serious violation of the boards "rules" and should step down.
LardAss invites OBO to go fugg himself because breaking the rules was in LardAss's best interest.
eXe points out that LardAss was in serious violation of the board's rules because dammit those Uncle Bob freaks forced him to! And the only solution to the problem was to drink more KoolAid! Ignore the things you have seen with your own eyes, the repeated publishing of member's personal information, the incitement to murder, the missing funds, the theft of a board and its assets ["You don't own TB2K!]. Ignore the reality of your leader being a ball-sniffing wad gobbler! Just ignore the truth and accept this as a good thing! - - - Or just move along and let us keep fleecing the new sheep.
These people have gone completely fuggin' nuts. They are no longer just KoolAid drinking cultists, they represent a danger to themselves and society in general. Time to start making some phone calls and snail-mailing some packages of documentation.
EDIT: For the record, I just finished providing the responding officer with the complete details and contact information not only for the people to whom XXX made the threats, but for XXX as well. So the whole thing is now completely on-the-record with the police.
I hope the folks in Boston are lawyered up. Why didn't anyone contact the law when Fatboy threatened the CEO of Exon?
When a chick says we need to talk, you might as well start punching yourself in the balls, dude.
Where's the list of all his criminal conduct ranging from the illegal raffle, vote fraud, stolen money from fundraisers, threats to the lives of the Exxon CEO and the Federal Attorney, etc etc ad nauseum?
Anyone have a copy of Fatboys threat to the U.S. Attorney?
When a chick says we need to talk, you might as well start punching yourself in the balls, dude.
To be frank, your board persona over the past couple of years has, IMO, demonstrated that you are borderline nuts as well.
So, by DO saying "...you are borderline nuts as well", he sounds as if he is saying, "you are borderline nuts just like me". That's what I thought when I first read it, and I'm trying hard to find some other way to interpret that.
Is DO self-reporting that HE knows that he is nuts?
******************************************************* I want my good name back from the vile impostors!
UBuck, I was puzzling over that too. Looks like a Freudian slip...
Paste from UBobs...
CRIMESPUBLIC PEACE 947.0125 1 Updated 0506 Wis. Stats. Database CHAPTER 947 CRIMES AGAINST PUBLIC PEACE, ORDER AND OTHER INTERESTS 947.01 Disorderly conduct. 947.011 Disrupting a funeral or memorial service. 947.012 Unlawful use of telephone. 947.0125 Unlawful use of computerized communication systems. 947.013 Harassment. 947.015 Bomb scares. 947.017 Threats to release chemical, biological, or radioactive substances. 947.02 Vagrancy. 947.04 Drinking in common carriers. 947.06 Unlawful assemblies and their suppression. 947.07 Causing violence or breach of the peace by damaging or destroying a U.S. flag. Cross Reference: See definitions in s. 939.22.
947.01 Disorderly conduct. Whoever, in a public or private place, engages in violent, abusive, indecent, profane, boisterous, unreasonably loud or otherwise disorderly conduct under circumstances in which the conduct tends to cause or provoke a disturbance is guilty of a Class B misdemeanor. History: 1977 c. 173; 1979 c. 131.
A true threat is a statement that a speaker would reasonably foresee that a listener would reasonably interpret as a serious expression of a purpose to inflict harm, as distinguished from hyperbole, jest, innocuous talk, expressions of political views, or other similarly protected speech. It is not necessary that the speaker have the ability to carry out the threat. State v. Perkins, 2001 WI 46, 243 Wis. 2d 141, 626 N.W.2d 762, 991924.
Purely written speech, even written speech that fails to cause an actual disturbance, can constitute disorderly conduct, but the state has the burden to prove that the speech is constitutionally unprotected abusive conduct. Abusive conduct is conduct that is injurious, improper, hurtful, offensive, or reproachful. True threats clearly fall within the scope of this definition. State v. Douglas D. 2001 WI 47, 243 Wis. 2d 204, 626 N.W.2d 725, 991767.
Application of the disorderly conduct statute to speech alone is permissible under appropriate circumstances. When speech is not an essential part of any exposition of ideas, when it is utterly devoid of social value, and when it can cause or provoke a disturbance, the disorderly conduct statute can be applicable. State v. A.S. 2001 WI 48, 243 Wis. 2d 173, 626 N.W.2d 712, 992317.
Disorderly conduct does not necessarily require disruptions that implicate the public directly. This section encompasses conduct that tends to cause a disturbance or disruption that is personal or private in nature, as long as there exists the real possibility that the disturbance or disruption will spill over and disrupt the peace, order, or safety of the surrounding community as well. Sending repeated, unwelcome, and anonymous mailings was otherwise disorderly conduct. State v. Schwebke, 2002 WI 55, 253 Wis. 2d 1, 644 N.W.2d 666, 993204.
Defiance of a police officers order to move is itself disorderly conduct if the order is lawful. Bruan v. Baldwin, 346 F.3d 761 (2003).
947.012 Unlawful use of telephone.
(1) Whoever does any of the following is guilty of a Class B misdemeanor:
(a) With intent to frighten, intimidate, threaten, abuse or harass, makes a telephone call and threatens to inflict injury or physical harm to any person or the property of any person.
(b) With intent to frighten, intimidate, threaten or abuse, telephones another and uses any obscene, lewd or profane language or suggests any lewd or lascivious act.
(c) Makes a telephone call, whether or not conversation ensues, without disclosing his or her identity and with intent to abuse or threaten any person at the called number.
(2) Whoever does any of the following is subject to a Class B forfeiture:
(a) With intent to harass or offend, telephones another and uses any obscene, lewd or profane language or suggests any lewd or lascivious act.
(b) Makes or causes the telephone of another repeatedly to ring, with intent to harass any person at the called number.
(c) Makes repeated telephone calls, whether or not conversation ensues, with intent solely to harass any person at the called number.
(d) Makes a telephone call, whether or not conversation ensues, without disclosing his or her identity and with intent to harass any person at the called number.
(e) Knowingly permits any telephone under his or her control to be used for any purpose prohibited by this section. History: 1979 c. 131; 1991 a. 39.
947.0125 Unlawful use of computerized communication systems.
(1) In this section, message means any transfer of signs, signals, writing, images, sounds, data or intelligence of any nature, or any transfer of a computer program, as defined in s. 943.70 (1) (c).
(2) Whoever does any of the following is guilty of a Class B misdemeanor:
(a) With intent to frighten, intimidate, threaten, abuse or harass another person, sends a message to the person on an electronic mail or other computerized communication system and in that message threatens to inflict injury or physical harm to any person or the property of any person.
(b) With intent to frighten, intimidate, threaten, abuse or harass another person, sends a message on an electronic mail or other computerized communication system with the reasonable expectation that the person will receive the message and in that message threatens to inflict injury or physical harm to any person or the property of any person.
(c) With intent to frighten, intimidate, threaten or abuse another person, sends a message to the person on an electronic mail or other computerized communication system and in that message uses any obscene, lewd or profane language or suggests any lewd or lascivious act.
(d) With intent to frighten, intimidate, threaten or abuse another person, sends a message on an electronic mail or other computerized communication system with the reasonable expectation that the person will receive the message and in that message uses any obscene, lewd or profane language or suggests any lewd or lascivious act.
(e) With intent to frighten, intimidate, threaten or abuse another person, sends a message to the person on an electronic mail or other computerized communication system while intentionally preventing or attempting to prevent the disclosure of his or her own identity.
(f) While intentionally preventing or attempting to prevent the disclosure of his or her identity and with intent to frighten, intimidate, threaten or abuse another person, sends a message on an electronic mail or other computerized communication system with the reasonable expectation that the person will receive the message.
(3) Whoever does any of the following is subject to a Class B forfeiture:
(a) With intent to harass, annoy or offend another person, sends a message to the person on an electronic mail or other computerized communication system and in that message uses any obscene, lewd or profane language or suggests any lewd or lascivious act.
(b) With intent to harass, annoy or offend another person, sends a message on an electronic mail or other computerized communication system with the reasonable expectation that the person will receive the message and in that message uses any obscene, lewd or profane language or suggests any lewd or lascivious act.
(c) With intent solely to harass another person, sends repeated messages to the person on an electronic mail or other computerized
A true threat is a statement that a speaker would reasonably foresee that a listener would reasonably interpret as a serious expression of a purpose to inflict harm, as distinguished from hyperbole, jest, innocuous talk, expressions of political views, or other similarly protected speech. It is not necessary that the speaker have the ability to carry out the threat. State v. Perkins, 2001 WI 46, 243 Wis. 2d 141, 626 N.W.2d 762, 991924.
Does this mean Fatboy would have to hear the alleged threat himself?
When a chick says we need to talk, you might as well start punching yourself in the balls, dude.
I dunno. But in the TB version, the 'person,' which later became 'people' (real or imagined), who allegedly heard this threat didn't think it was serious themselves, or they would have told DO right away. Hell, they would have shot off the never-before-used TB EAS ala an Amber Alert, having posters line I-90 donning astronaut diapers, looking for XXX's vehicle. There would have been group buy discounts on night vision goggles, and a fund raiser to have NWPhotog stake out DO's place with a cam to prepare for his legal defense.
Dennis Olson Chief Curmudgeon Join Date: May 2001 Location: Wisconsin Posts: 35,373
Quote: Originally Posted by Cribbage Dennis, my advice would be to let it drop.
You are ONLY hurting your own credibility by stoking the fires. Kinda like the school yard bullies; ignore them, and eventually they will go away.
But you are protesting your innocence awfully loudly, and to an outsider, it just might seem a little "too" loudly.
Shakespeare was wise when he wrote "Me thinks he doth protest too loudly" or something like that.
Let it drop.
The more you stir the pot (and you ARE stirring it), the more guilty you look.
Let it drop.
Um, actually, this post is meant to alert the membership that supposed cyber-friends might contact them for whatever dirt they can get. While I can't control that (nor do I particularly care), I want folks to know that this is being attempted. What each person chooses to do (or not do) is their own choice. But IMO it's important to let people know when bad people are doing bad things.
The selective realities inhabited by some folks make me shake my head in disbelief.
When a chick says we need to talk, you might as well start punching yourself in the balls, dude.
I think in view of this latest LardAssian spasm, it's time to notify the Wisconsin authorities that there is a criminal [he has a criminal record so he's a criminal] in their jurisdiction running an ongoing criminal enterprise and an Internet cult.
Where's the list of all his criminal conduct ranging from the illegal raffle, vote fraud, stolen money from fundraisers, threats to the lives of the Exxon CEO and the Federal Attorney, etc etc ad nauseum? __________________________________________________________________________
Mexi, I contacted the authorities on April 22nd with further conversation and documentation on the 23rd. They are VERY aware of DJO.
Just in case it's needed... What are the Wisconsin/Minnesota statutes on sodomy?
Also have either of those states (or perhaps the Twin Cities) passed any ordinances on Trans Fatty foods yet?
And just for good meausre, I'd REALLY like to see the PD & FD show up @ 1313 Mockingbird Lane in Hudson to haul away all of Lardass' dangerous and (getting old) gasoline.
If The Committee cares to stir some **** in that direction it should be easy to get a list of his closest neighbors in the Internet (MSN White Pages) to "stoke up" their concern. This is perfectly legal and it's my understanding, Jerome's neighbors are not thrilled with his activities in the first place. Just a thought.
P.S. This would not fall into the category of stalking or harassing family members. It would be doing a community service. If we act quickly, no way would Thunder Buns have time to do anything but watch the festivities and pay the (steep) fine (s). After a cursory inspection the REAL LEOs they may (will) even find other code violations relating to fire hazards, neighborhood peace and safety, perhaps even firearms excesses.
Fatboy has been laying low since this last blowup. If I were the damaged parties in this I would have an attorney and end up owning Fatboy and his bike.
When a chick says we need to talk, you might as well start punching yourself in the balls, dude.
So that's the list including the user name of the person DO first mentioned as the informant, or whatever. Office pool on who it is? Brooks, you're not allowed to play.
I'd pick Timbo based on board history. Once upon a time this dude posted an uneventful remark, and Timbo twisted it in his little noggin' into meaning that said dude was suicidal, and went off on this retired cop rampage about the imagined crisis. He posted a new thread on the dude, broadcasting that ole boy was suicidal and we needed to get ahold of him or some such nonsense.
I PM'd Timbo to say that the initial post in question wasn't suicidal at all, and that Timbo was out of line starting a thread calling ole boy out because ole boy might read the board at work and his boss could see it or something. Timbo got all paranoid hostile on me, and was livid esp. because I had corrected his modship, when lol I didn't even know he'd been made a mod, and besides that was irrelevant. Happy ending: ole boy just laughed it off and thanked him for the concern.
I don't know much about the other mods; I just know this past pattern of behavior on the part of Timbo, and how that pattern could overlay the current drama.