I thought it was time that you heard the truth straight from the horses (or in our case, the hampsters) mouth. We have been talking, with some amusement, about the attacks on him by various ex-TB members over on Uncle' Bob's. Well, it's come to our attention that the latest version of this is that I'm divorcing Dennis. This is completely false. We've had some strains on our marriage since my mom has been so sick. She's back in a nursing home and they are doing tests to see if she will have to be on dialysis for the rest of her life, so any prayers would be appreciated.
Coupled with this, I've had an unbelievably busy and tough work schedule this past month or two, and my fibromyalgia has been bothering me as well. It's been very hard for us these past months. It really infuriates me when those that hate Dennis and TB make up such terrible things about him and now me.
Just to let you know, one of our former members, Vipper, actually called our Bishop to accuse Dennis of homosexuality and another former member, Gayla, called me at work to inform me of this. These horrible people have been very busy doing everything to destroy us.
Because of all this, I felt it important to make sure that all of you in our TB family understand what's true and not true. You can rest assured that we're not taking this lying down, because once something like this comes into our real lives, it becomes necessary to take action.
I hope that you'll keep us in your prayers as we go through these terrible times. I know it's nearly my mom's time, and that thought weighs heavily on my mind. Thanks for being here for us.
PS. If I can answer any questions, please PM me.
D'Anne Olson View Public Profile Send a private message to D'Anne Olson Visit D'Anne Olson's homepage! Find all posts by D'Anne Olson
#2 Yesterday, 06:00 PM Maher Has No Life - Lives on TB 754 Join Date: May 2001 Location: USA Posts: 9,288
We're behind you both D' Anne. If you need anything from us, just ask. We're here for you.
Maher View Public Profile Send a private message to Maher Visit Maher's homepage! Find all posts by Maher
You have to draw the line when it crosses out of cyberlife into meatlife. Prayers for your strength.
NIL ILLEGITIMUS CARBORUNDUM __________________ Its Coming.
Grock View Public Profile Send a private message to Grock Visit Grock's homepage! Find all posts by Grock
#4 Yesterday, 06:02 PM Cardinal Veteran Member 754 Join Date: Sep 2004 Location: Eye of the Hurricane Posts: 4,824
Life is really rough enough without having to deal with attacks like this. In fact, now that you have laid it all out, it really is starting to sound like a spiritual attack. I will keep your family in my prayers, and may God encircle you all and protect you. __________________ "Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia." (Charles Schultz)
Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened. (Dr. Seuss)
You are really one sick, demented Floridian. -Renegade
Luke 21:36
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#5 Yesterday, 06:06 PM Hfcomms Contributing Member 754 Join Date: Mar 2005 Posts: 855
Rest easy;
I think that most of the people who frequent this board can discern a railroad job when they see it. Were not buying it. Ordinarily I would say turn the other cheek but when they interfere in your personal lives and slander you then it's time to put up or shut up. They should learn that their are not only civil penalities for slander but criminal penalties for harassment and stalking. I fully support "free speech" but you don't have freedom to tell lies and destroy someone else in the process. God Bless... __________________ From Aesop's fables
A Mountain was once greatly agitated. Loud groans and noises were heard, and crowds of people came from all parts to see what was the matter. While they were assembled in anxious expectation of some terrible calamity, out came a Mouse.
Moral of the story?? Don't make much ado about nothing.
Hfcomms View Public Profile Send a private message to Hfcomms Find all posts by Hfcomms
#6 Yesterday, 06:14 PM JohnGaltfla Has No Life - Lives on TB 754 Join Date: May 2004 Location: Galt's Gulch, FL Posts: 12,168
D'Anne, you are both in my prayers. This is OUTRAGEOUS. If I were a geek and had the knowledge I would.......
But do not worry. They have to pay the price at the gates. These people are scum and one of them emailed me. I've lost all respect for these lost souls.
Their judgment is coming later and elsewhere.... __________________ "Civilizations die from suicide, not murder. -Arnold J. Toynbee, A Study of History (1934-1961)
JohnGaltfla View Public Profile Send a private message to JohnGaltfla Visit JohnGaltfla's homepage! Find all posts by JohnGaltfla
#7 Yesterday, 06:14 PM Dennis Olson Chief Curmudgeon 754 Join Date: May 2001 Location: Wisconsin Posts: 35,015
...but criminal penalties for harassment and stalking.
Funny you should say that....
BTW, I have the real names and addresses of Vipper, Gayla and Lynnie....
Dennis Olson View Public Profile Send a private message to Dennis Olson Find all posts by Dennis Olson
#8 Yesterday, 06:14 PM mbabulldog Veteran Member 754 Join Date: Dec 2004 Location: Colorado, via People's Republic of New York Posts: 1,292
how horrible that these people have such pitiful lives...please stay strong, and have faith that the TB2K family knows what good people you guys really are. __________________ " 'cause we'll put a boot up your ass, it's the American way".
Preps = "Git 'r done" Preps = "Just do it"
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#9 Yesterday, 06:14 PM HeliumAvid Ions R Us 754 Join Date: May 2001 Location: Silly Valley, CA Posts: 13,602
Glad to hear directly from you D'Anne. Prayers for you, your mom, work, Dennis that things will find a way to all work out.
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#10 Yesterday, 06:17 PM Chumbucket The Big Bobber 754 Join Date: Dec 2004 Posts: 603
Amazing how many adult children there are out there. It's no wonder the world is such a mess. I feel sorry for your troubles as you attempt to honestly provide a forum to share and learn. It is sad that others would mock or seek to disrupt.
My best to you and Dennis. __________________
Quote: "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us."
Chumbucket View Public Profile Send a private message to Chumbucket Visit Chumbucket's homepage! Find all posts by Chumbucket
#11 Yesterday, 06:18 PM almost ready Senior Member 754 Join Date: Jul 2003 Location: Idaho Posts: 1,193
And fibromyalgia, too. You know you have our full support. If there's anything we can do, please let us know.
My doctor specializes in this ailment, as his wife has been suffering from it for several years. He has done so much for our family, I can recommend him wholeheartedly.
He's Yale/Stanford, but we each got a full half-hour of his time (he's not full of himself) in personal consultation as well as more tests than we've had before. No wonder we feel so much better after a year with him.
If you want more personal info, PM me. His group is:
I appreciate your honesty, D'Anne. I'm sorry you're being put thru this crap. Neither of you deserve it. MM __________________ "There is only one success.... to be able to spend your life in your own way." Christopher Morley
Michigan Majik View Public Profile Send a private message to Michigan Majik Find all posts by Michigan Majik
Prayers said for you and Dennis to be given the strenghth to see this through and comfort when it's all over. And I pray that when it comes time for your mother to pass that she will go comfortably.
Sully __________________ Got Jesus? It's hell without Him.
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#16 Yesterday, 06:24 PM milkncookies Veteran Member 754 Join Date: May 2004 Posts: 2,300
I think what the degenerates at UB's have been and are doing is going to bite them in the ass sooner or later. No doubt Gayla and Vipper (whatever that is) are nut jobs with mental issues as are the rest of those complicit in this latest exercise of pure hatred and malice. On the brightside, however, they have unwittingly pushed those of us at TB2K even closer together. They have, in fact, achieved the opposite of their intentions. They have not only shown themselves as the recluse next door whose only social interaction is via UB's vomit and defecation, or the guy that portrays himself as a woman online, or the adult with mental issues gone undetected, or the pitiful female looking for love in all the wrong places because her husband just doesn't satisfy her needs (whatever they are). They have also strengthened the ties that bind here at TB2K. Talk about Unintended Consequences. And I daresay the Unintended Consequences have only just begun. __________________ "I refuse to apologize for my ability I refuse to apologize for my success I refuse to apologize for my money."
And since this country is definitely in the crapper, taking a sh*t on the flag seems fairly appropriate. Chartreuse 04/01/07
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#17 Yesterday, 06:27 PM Worrier King Veteran Member 754 Join Date: Sep 2005 Posts: 4,863
I guess you should be flattered in a odd sort of way that people with no life deem you all important enough to leech onto to in trying give their own lives some purpose. They must of derived a lot of self esteem from their former positons here, (Gayla especially, that psycho had started in on me the first hour I joined and posted here - wonder how many people she ran off) that they had to sink so low when they became personna non grata.
Very pathetic, but they are so vicious and snake level low that you can't feel sorry for them either because they've become dangerous, and have nwo proven themselves to be serious threats to your family.
On the positive side, they will be stupid enough in their hate to keep their board open, giving you even more evidence than you already have. Go to a lawyers office, bring up the site... bingo.
Hang in there, this too shall pass. __________________ The 4 Pillars of Global Corporatocracy: Government, Banks, Corporations, Useful Idiots.
Refuse. Resist. No longer grant Consent. Adapt. Overcome. Survive. No person other than YOURSELF can grant you your freedom or your ability to live free.
Foreign and domestic threats do not negate each other.
May GOD restore and save the Republic!
La mort à Globalists dans ma vie! "Death to Globalists In My Lifetime!"
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#18 Yesterday, 06:29 PM Thyme Contributing Member 754 Join Date: Mar 2006 Posts: 714
It seems so many of us are under conviction these days, with attacks from vicious vile people. I've been through it too, only instead of internet poison, it was family poison.
You're both in my prayers, and I hope you can keep up the strength and wit to fight these attacks. __________________ It's Later than you Think
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#19 Yesterday, 06:30 PM Ed Veteran Member 754 Join Date: May 2001 Location: KS Posts: 2,073
I have seen some of those threads. I pass over them as they are not worth the dignity of my reading them. Don't let small minds get in the way of your making the most of life.
Best wishes, Ed
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#20 Yesterday, 06:31 PM Breeta Senior Member 754 Join Date: Apr 2004 Location: the Media City Posts: 1,118
That's awful. Prayers for you Dennis and D'Anne. __________________ Family Home Movie, Summer 1947, my dad (then 11 years old) with his dog, grandpa and his archery... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkzWw3LkfjE
Breeta View Public Profile Send a private message to Breeta Find all posts by Breeta
What ashame, so sorry to hear that you put so much time and effort into keeping TB2K going, only to have others try to tear you down. Look at this way, there jealous of what you have here.
egads View Public Profile Send a private message to egads Find all posts by egads
#22 Yesterday, 06:32 PM Thyme Contributing Member 754 Join Date: Mar 2006 Posts: 714
Quote: Originally Posted by Ed I have seen some of those threads. I pass over them as they are not worth the dignity of my reading them. Don't let small minds get in the way of your making the most of life.
Best wishes, Ed
I took a gander at ubs. The words posted over there remind me of what little demons are that welcome souls to hell. __________________ It's Later than you Think
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#23 Yesterday, 06:33 PM JohnGaltfla Has No Life - Lives on TB 754 Join Date: May 2004 Location: Galt's Gulch, FL Posts: 12,168
Hey, one of you other superduperglobalmodulators....
Pin this please. At least for 48 hours so we can vent and offer prayers.
Dennis is too modest to do that.
Thanks in advance.
John Galt, Pissed off fan of this board and ready to grab the pitchforks and torches. __________________ "Civilizations die from suicide, not murder. -Arnold J. Toynbee, A Study of History (1934-1961)
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#24 Yesterday, 06:34 PM Pudding Hill Farm Contributing Member 754 Join Date: Aug 2002 Posts: 248
Your whole family will be kept in my prayers.
Pudding Hill Farm View Public Profile Send a private message to Pudding Hill Farm Find all posts by Pudding Hill Farm
#25 Yesterday, 06:35 PM SheWoff Southern by choice 754 Join Date: Jan 2006 Location: NW TN Posts: 1,784
D'Anne and Dennis,
Yall have my prayers and some for Mom too. This is a sad thing to have happen to two people who have given us a place to learn and grow. As grandma used to say, if the devil is coming against you that hard, you must be doing something Right!
She __________________
One good reason to prep....
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#26 Yesterday, 06:35 PM LoupGarou Ancient Fuzzball 754 Join Date: May 2004 Location: Central Va Posts: 3,614
We know how bad they can get, and we know that both of you are not as they say. You are in my family's prayers.
Peace, and take care, Loup __________________ P.C.=B.S. Sugar coating things promotes TRUTH DECAY
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#27 Yesterday, 06:37 PM JohnGaltfla Has No Life - Lives on TB 754 Join Date: May 2004 Location: Galt's Gulch, FL Posts: 12,168
Quote: Originally Posted by LoupGarou We know how bad they can get, and we know that both of you are not as they say. You are in my family's prayers.
Peace, and take care, Loup
You got that right Loup!
Those dogs really went after us. I hope that Dennis slams them off the net.
Permanently. __________________ "Civilizations die from suicide, not murder. -Arnold J. Toynbee, A Study of History (1934-1961)
JohnGaltfla View Public Profile Send a private message to JohnGaltfla Visit JohnGaltfla's homepage! Find all posts by JohnGaltfla
D'Anne, You and Dennis have my prayers and full support. D'Anne, you have my prayers for your health, too. Two thoughts crossed my mind: 1. The internet is federal and subject to some of the interstate trade and commerce laws. I am not an expert but I would certainly pursue any violations at the federal level. The eagle has a looong memory and tends not to go away. 2. I would find the nastiest, mad dog, attorney and put him on a healthy contingency fee and turn him loose on this pond scum. Your integrity has a light all it's own and shows these idiots crap for what it is. Stay strong.
Zorba View Public Profile Send a private message to Zorba Find all posts by Zorba
#30 Yesterday, 06:42 PM timbo My door greeter 754 Join Date: May 2001 Location: Fort Flint,MI Posts: 15,264
D'Anne, you and your Mom and Dennis are in my prayers. I wish I had the words or actions to make all the troubles go away.........but I dont.
Words of encouragement seem so shallow for me to say right now.
But with that, my prayers are there. I offer them gladly. Tim __________________ What Price Freedom
'All gave some,some gave all.'
The Prognosticators here at TB (better known as chicken entrails tossers) are more like a broken digital watch than they are a broken analog watch.
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#31 Yesterday, 06:43 PM Anne in TN Veteran Member 754 Join Date: May 2001 Posts: 3,614
D'Anne, prayers for you and Dennis. We appreciate you both very much.
Anne in TN View Public Profile Send a private message to Anne in TN Find all posts by Anne in TN
#32 Yesterday, 06:50 PM Rippled Member 754 Join Date: Oct 2006 Location: southeast Posts: 214
My thoughts and prayers for you, Dennis, and your mom. Just keep going forward, we will cover your back. __________________ "Just be thankful we're not getting all of the government that we are paying for"
Rippled View Public Profile Find all posts by Rippled
#33 Yesterday, 07:07 PM Christian for Israel Knight of Jerusalem 754 Join Date: Jan 2003 Location: High Desert, Elko NV Posts: 14,994
if we can help in any way...
praying... __________________
Alea Jacta Est
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#34 Yesterday, 07:11 PM daisy Veteran Member 754 Join Date: Nov 2002 Location: TX via NJ via TN Posts: 2,696
D'Anne prayers for your mom and you healthwise.
I can't believe how low people will go to hurt someone else. Those that have done what you said have to be mentally ill. LIfe is too short to be like that and they evidently are very unhappy with their own life to lash out at others like that. I say clean house of those fools because they have no business being in this cyber community. When they step into your meatworld without being invited and to do it as maliciously as they have I say use any means you can to put a stop to their slander.
I'm behind you guys 100%. __________________
We cannot forever hide the truth about ourselves, from ourselves. ~ John McCain
daisy View Public Profile Send a private message to daisy Find all posts by daisy
#35 Yesterday, 07:14 PM RB Martin Contributing Member 754 Join Date: Jan 2002 Posts: 411
May God bless you both as you work through this, knowing they will give an account for even every idle word.
Prayers for your mom too D'Anne.
RB Martin View Public Profile Send a private message to RB Martin Find all posts by RB Martin
#36 Yesterday, 07:15 PM Garand Member 754 Join Date: Jan 2006 Posts: 139
Well, this sounds like what happened to Art Bell several years ago. People were harassing him in real life. I don't know the outcome but I believe he sued them and won...and I believe they also did jail time, maybe something about harassing across state lines is a federal offense? Hopefully these evil trolls will read what I just typed and leave you all alone.
Garand View Public Profile Send a private message to Garand Find all posts by Garand
This is some pretty sick BS! You should sue them for all you can Dennis. __________________ "I do not see one way that Iran is a threat to us." - Ron Paul
Rams82 View Public Profile Send a private message to Rams82 Find all posts by Rams82
#38 Yesterday, 07:20 PM JPD Veteran Member 754 Join Date: Jun 2001 Location: Central New York Posts: 5,354
You both have our prayers, as well as your mom. __________________
"If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen." Samuel Adams
JPD View Public Profile Send a private message to JPD Visit JPD's homepage! Find all posts by JPD
#39 Yesterday, 07:20 PM D'Anne Olson Wifey of the chief 754 Join Date: May 2002 Location: Wisconsin Posts: 38
Thank you for all the kind words and support. I know it may be hard for our newer family members to understand the full spectrum of this whole thing, but don't worry, we are going to be here for a long time and they will pay for what they are doing. God has a really good memory!
God bless, D'Anne
D'Anne Olson View Public Profile Send a private message to D'Anne Olson Visit D'Anne Olson's homepage! Find all posts by D'Anne Olson
#40 Yesterday, 07:21 PM MaureenO Veteran Member 754 Join Date: May 2004 Posts: 6,978
D'Anne, Although I believe no explanation was necessary, it's probably a good thing that you offered this post.
Remember one thing--sewage (like water) finds its own level and apparently it thrives over at you-know-where. That's all they're known for.
Prayers for your mum and your family.
Maureen __________________ "God help us, the brave have left the building."
fair use yada yada yada
*********************** Independent films are those black and white hippy movies. They're always about gay cowboys eating pudding.