I understand BBSAM. His posting pictures must have been pretty disgusting to get the responses he got. His excuse was BS. His apology, wasn't an apology. At least not very sincere sounding.
Eric, you are doing a good job over there from what I read tonight.
Well thankfully, I missed the pictures. It's his entire attitude that disgusts me. He turned UB's into a ****hole and then talks about UB's at CE like he's MUCH too good to go there. So very above all the low brow shenanigans.
Before he came around, even the anonymous folks weren't bad. He created this drama himself and then cries about it. He just makes me want to puke.
I've quit even trying to talk to him. It's a waste of time and I actually get ANGRY. Oh well. Thanks guys.
I do think it's funny that Mr. Maturity has even managed to piss off the gaming folks. Most of them are what, 14?
I happened upon his garbage and could not believe what he had posted, either. I responded in an anon post about how I felt about it. It took me a little while, but I decided to go over to CE and post a note to remove me from membership with an added message for AO. After that he turned the place over to Canadasue.
There is nothing he can say that will excuse what he did at Uncle Bob's. If he enjoys that kind of thing, he can look at it at his leasure on his own. Keep it away from me, please.
Null has gone off his rocker. I never much cared for his total arrogance and never had any contact with him because of how nasty he could be to people. Never went to CE to even read because of his wife's involvement with computer tracking stuff. I just thught it was best to steer clear of him.
I am glad I did. He is no better then lardass.
UB made the right decision and you have done well moderating, Eric. It is very hard to please people on these boards. Don't take anything personally.