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Today, 09:04 AM

Dennis Olson

ADMIN - Okay folks - the staff wants to change TB - here's how

The staff has decided that they no longer want TB to be the way it is now. They want to:

- Eliminate all the SIGs (which means everything gets posted to a single room)

- Completely eliminate all posts and threads that aren't hard news and preps

Personally, I consider this approach would make TB as sterile as CurEvents. But they want to do it anyway, so here's the deal...

Sometime today, I'm going to shut off ALL the SIGs (the posts will stay there; the rooms will just be turned off). Additionally, the stall will IMMEDIATELY remove all posts/threads that aren't hard news or prep related. We'll run this way for several days, after which I'll put up a poll to gauge whether you all want to keep going that way, or set it back to the way it is now.


-- Edited by Kat at 09:11, 2007-06-08


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Today, 09:27 AM
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Maybe instead of changing the board, you should change the staff?


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Today, 09:27 AM
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How about a poll first? I think this plan would fail miserably.
Is the staff getting too lazy to deal with their duties?
Maybe you need to change staff members instead of the structure of the board.


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Today, 09:30 AM
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Maybe instead of a new TB you need a staff turnover? (like an apple turnover but more filling...)


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Today, 09:30 AM

Slightly cynical but open

Uhhhhhhhhhh...I'm COMPLETELY with Roadkill. If the STAFF doesn't like the way things are, and they are the MINORITY, then they should either buck up and put up with it, or quit. I could care less what they "like" or "not like" (rules of course notwithstanding).

But yes Dennis--as owner, do you think it would as reasonable to reverse your priority and perhaps poll those of us who are actually contributing and LIKE THE WAY THINGS ARE before some sweeping change, even if temporary, is made?????? For crying out loud...

This smacks of real life where the minority voices, if they're loud enough, tell the majority of us what policy is.

Uhhhh...NO. That won't be happening.

Today, 09:31 AM

I see that pixmo and Fleataxi are the only mods with enough balls to still be showing as ONLINE at this point. Hats off to you 2!

Why has the rest of the staff disappeared?

Today, 09:32 AM
Possible Impact
Contributing Member 754
Everyone has been talking about the US Government declaring "Martial Law".

I never suspected that the Staff at Timebomb would preempt them..



Bomb Shelter

Today, 09:32 AM
Dennis Olson

I just want to add:

Not only does this issue come up with the staff every year, but it comes up from the members as well. And I'm tired of discussing it again and again and AGAIN.

One way or another, I expect to NEVER address this issue again. EVER.

Today, 09:33 AM

Did I miss the vote on this?

Publicly, I am not infavor of this idea.


Today, 09:37 AM

Kind of looks like the senators that pushed the Immigration bill have taken over TBK. The unholy 12

Today, 09:38 AM
Dennis Olson
There are some on staff that DO NOT want TB to be a "community." They want it to be a "hard news and prep board." Speaking for myself AS A MEMBER, the evolution of TB into a community is the only reason I've put up with all the bullsh*t from the haters and kept the lights on. Seriously.


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Fleataxi has resigned.....Lardass has created a problem out of nothing and has rallied the sheep to a "us vs them" mentality , yet again.

Really, the man is so predictable we could probably write the script for TB years in advance.

He has made another wound. Better race to stop the bleeding.....quick get a tourniquet!

Today, 10:42 AM
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OK, now I'm worried. Even if this doesn't happen, can members start a list of other sites that are even close to TB in nature? I think I may need some backup forums just in case the plug is ever pulled without a thread like this.

I can't live without a TB2 forum type site. Or at least I don't want to. How I love TB2 and don't want it to change.

Dennis, if I were you, I'd probably have acted like this long before you did, I'm not as patient with people as you are. So, I'm not blaming you, you're only human after all, and so are all the mod's whom I appreciate. It's just something that may happen now or in the future and I want to be prepared.

So please, others, are there other forums we can go to that resemble TB? I know libertytree looks like it does and a lot of us are members. Perhaps we just need to start going there and pretend it's TB2 and soon it just may be, but with a different name. Anyone?

-- Edited by Kat at 10:03, 2007-06-08


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Kat, my apologies. I thought I'd checked properly before posting my short thread on this but clearly I didn't. Can you merge them or something? Don't know if you've seen it but there's abnother thread on main about all of this. Got it captured. Give me a second or three to port it here.


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In several parts

 Today, 12:58 PM
My door greeter 754
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ADMIN - Instead of eliminating all the different forums......

I got a better idea Dennis. Just eliminate the staff. It seems they are the problem.

Just let TB find it's own level.

Whatever that is.

It's really stupid to eliminate all the forums the way you are going to do this weekend and then you just leave.

Get rid of staff.

What Price Freedom

'All gave some,some gave all.'

The Prognosticators here at TB (better known as chicken entrails tossers) are more like a broken digital watch than they are a broken analog watch.
 Today, 01:02 PM
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 Now you're talking crazy.

This thread will be moved in the blink of an eye. lol
 Today, 01:04 PM
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 Today, 01:11 PM
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No, when you look at the first post Dennis made of eliminating all the forums and only have Main for news and preps, that is only one answer to what Dennis sees as the problem that is an ongoing thing.

He said it is the staff that wants the changes and it looks like he doesnt nor do the members want it to change.

So eliminate the staff..............either we are not doing our job or Dennis believes we all want to change it...............bottom line.

The problem is the staff.
What Price Freedom

'All gave some,some gave all.'

The Prognosticators here at TB (better known as chicken entrails tossers) are more like a broken digital watch than they are a broken analog watch.
 Today, 01:15 PM
Chief Curmudgeon 754
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I thought I was pretty clear that my issue was the "perpeteual discussion" about it that was cheesing me off. I've actually come up with what I think is the ideal solution:

The Annual TB2K Structure and Content Convention, where each spring, the staff and members gather to discuss these issues in detail. It would, at a stroke: 1) make the process entirely transparent, 2) involve the members as well as the staff, 3) not be "triggered" by someone's being p*ssed off about the issue, and 4) since it's scheduled, we could all discuss it each year without rancor.

To me, it seems like a win-win.

But then again, I've decided to remove myself from all things Admin for the forseeable future....
 Today, 01:20 PM
Resident Pit Yorkie :) 754
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Originally Posted by Dennis Olson 

But then again, I've decided to remove myself from all things Admin for the forseeable future....

I think they key word there is *AGAIN*. How many times have you stirred something up and then decided to remove yourself from all things Admin for a while?

How much would it cost to buy TB2K??

edited out X's

-- Edited by Kat at 18:01, 2007-06-08


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Part two

Today, 01:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Dennis:

But then again, I've decided to remove myself from all things Admin for the forseeable future....

Hey, could we just let this whole thing blow over? No hurt feelings. Just business as usual and everybody is satisfied.


This negative kinda talk is scaring me. I love this place!
 Today, 01:24 PM
Chief Curmudgeon 754
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Don't know Peanut. What I DO know is that when I was out driving, there arose some issues that would not go away until I returned to active participation. As to Tim's suggestion above, rather than the staff, it must be me who simply "doesn't want to see the light." Since that's evidently the case, that's why I've decided to remove myself from staff decisions. And not just for a few weeks. Who knows, I may never get involved again.
 Today, 01:31 PM
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I think we can all understand what is happening and has happened. We're a family, families get in heated discussions, blame, yell, call names, point fingers, whatever. Mom (DAD) gets pretty ticked off and sends all members to their rooms and asks the others to leave.

When things calm down, the family goes on as before, until the next blow up. So, welcome to the family, one and all.

Dennis, love you. Sat, Timbo, Warren, love you!
The Lord is my shepherd.
 Today, 01:40 PM
My door greeter 754
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No Dennis that is NOT the answer. You have put blood, puke, sweat and tears into this place. Most of that is truly literal.

No, the staff is what wants changed. Not you. You are the one that wants it to stay as it is.

The problem is communication. We aint.

That is what we need. Damn, we are not just a discussion forum.......we are people that need to discuss. There is a whole lot of difference there.

Yep this crap comes up on a regular basis dont it?

And it SHOULD! We are unique. We are........a mess at times..........but we are family.

If I really didnt think so, I would have never come back when I did that time.

We need to tweak.......that is what staff was looking for. Not a hand grenade in the place.

We have had one helluva ride all these years havent we Dennis?

We have hit some crap lows that should have been a 'wipe out'. But here we are just plugging away still.
And some glorious highs.

If TB is truly a living vibrant place for people then we need to make sure it's a healthy place.
That takes discussion. You, staff, members.

Always. Or we will not make it.
What Price Freedom

'All gave some,some gave all.'

The Prognosticators here at TB (better known as chicken entrails tossers) are more like a broken digital watch than they are a broken analog watch.
 Today, 01:45 PM
Luka's Momma 754
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Dennis, you leaving is not the answer.
The answer has been evident each time this happens. The majority want things left alone because they are working.
The minority is the problem. They can't take no for an answer and let it be.

I think the poll (the current one) says it all.
We do NOT want things changed. There is too much here to go back to what it used to be. Period....
This is not a way back machine.

To those who want it back, go start another forum. News and prep.....and leave the rest of us be. Some of us retired mods are pretty tired of seeing this go on year after year......always with the majority wanting it LEFT ALONE......

Timebomb is a unique place. To try to go backwards with it is just plain dumb. You will lose half or more of the membership or is that what you want?

Can we please dig a big hole and bury this stupid discussion? It always has the same answer. If the mods don't like it, retire......I did...there are always others who will step up to the plate.

Please, knock it off......

(note to self, remember this day as the kick off to something major about to explode somewhere in this world)
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Proverbs 16:9

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 Today, 01:46 PM
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Maybe Dennis does need to take a vacation. Without all the kids in the car (TB) Recharge his life and find some serenity.
Remember the three R's:

Respect for self
Respect for others and
Responsibility for all your actions.

-- Edited by Kat at 18:07, 2007-06-08


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The Flying Dutchman
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*Damn* I come in and post a couple of news articles this morning! Then come back this afternoon to see if *TEOTWAWKI* has hit some where in the world - and find that all ][ell is out for breakfast here on TimeBomb!

Lady Peanut, earlier you remarked that there were few - if any mods' names on the roster (at the time you where posting). I, for one, was pounding my ear into my pillow.

The news, as you will know, has it's own schedules (like other parts of the world have their own posting dead-lines.

And sometimes, to stay on top of events! I find myself (in the wee hours) 'flitting over to China, India, Iran - or europe, to see what is happening.

There is no use in "posting history" it is the 'unfolding news events I am after....


"We Have Done With Hope and Honor, We are lost to Love and Truth.
We are Dropping down the ladder rung by rung;
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God help us; for we knew the worst too young."

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#14 Today, 02:01 PM
Amish Road Warrior 754
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Ok everybody....GROUP HUGS...C'MON NOW...

Look, if the PTB(Mods?) here on TB2K are in a bunch over something, the last thing anyone should do is a 'knee jerk'...

If we can't get through this with a level of co-operation and compromise suited to our intellect....


Consider this a "lifeboat dry-run"

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#15 Today, 02:06 PM
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Seems to me these things always happen right before a major event in the world...could be satan stirring the pot to break down communications, which could potentially hurt many of us who rely on the news here every day to prepare and stay on top of current issues.

In the name of Jesus, begone satan...

Dennis, cast him out of here in the name of Jesus Christ...

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#16 Today, 02:09 PM
Sheep Raider 754
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Overall, from my perspective of being a long time lurker and then a returned member, is that the Mods/staff have done a great job.

I realize it is a thankless position and sometimes toes will be stepped on, but, the staff has shown itself to be fair. So thank you for the job you do!

Also a big thank you to our resident hamster guy Dennis, he has also accomodated and provided a fair and quick response to any issue I might have had.

So where's the beef?

I agree at times there's too much fluff floating around but there is so much more good hard news and info coupled with opinion and personal impact that the value contained therein greatly outweighs the fluff and nonsense that pops up from time to time.

Thanks for letting me rant.....
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#17 Today, 02:19 PM
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Originally Posted by The Flying Dutchman

Lady Peanut, earlier you remarked that there were few - if any mods' names on the roster (at the time you where posting). I, for one, was pounding my ear into my pillow.


Sorry, should have been more specific...this is how these things get so out of hand! I meant the ones that were showing on the board when dennis made the original post and then they left.

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#18 Today, 02:20 PM
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Originally Posted by cryhavoc
Ok everybody....GROUP HUGS...C'MON NOW...

Look, if the PTB(Mods?) here on TB2K are in a bunch over something, the last thing anyone should do is a 'knee jerk'...

I came in on this discussion kind of late - could someone tell me EXACTLY what the mods are unhappy with?
And remember," he yelled, "you don't know exactly when the fuel will run out. There's always the chance you could die right in the middle of your life story."

And I yelled, "So what else is new?"


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Go ahead ball sniffer.

Pull the friggin' plug.

You're gonna need all your time and attention on defending yourself in your upcoming slander suit....



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No problem Danon.. I hope you don't mind I edited your posts of the big x's where the avatars and pics were.

Thanks for bringing this stuff over.


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You're welcome. Don't know why but my computer decided NOT to let me do that & usually I'm maniacal about editting out extraneous garbage - makes for an easier read.

Again, sorry I inadvertantly doubled up on identically topiced threads.


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When a chick says we need to talk, you might as well start punching yourself in the balls, dude.
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