I know this might seem like an impossible task @ TB, but it seems to me that the ground there is starting to give a bit, and the old timers there are beginning to doubt the wisdom of their lord and master.
I've talked to a good friend who is a long timer there but not an insider; you know, the kind who never even knows the dirt and doesn't want to talk about it even when told. I know that to be the case with a couple others from Uncle Buck's.
If you're phoning emailing or whatever on a regular basis with someone who may be having misgivings, call them up and LISTEN! Wise Owl and CND are the only two in recent days who have shown reluctance to curtsy to the Queen , so whoever's on good terms with those people make a call. Perhaps they're ready to talk.
Anyone in the Cleveland area who's willing to waste some time with CND could show up with a bottle of hooch. That ought to do it.
I just KNOW there are insiders there who are weary of Caligula and who really want to talk, but can't talk to other TBers for fear of being shunned, banned or whatever. This also goes for anyone who knows the earlier banned members and their friends (Annie, Lynnie etc), who may still be angry about being put on the chopping block.
We've been fortunate so far, and a lot of good research has fallen into our laps, thanks to hard working individuals @ UB. Since there seems to be a lull in terms of new documents and damning information about the Lardass Mafia, it's time to go on the offensive.
Note: Tread carefully and let these folks know that you're there for them. You and others you know have been through this in the past and we know what they're going through. Also, be sure to promise anonymity to those who bring it up. If they don't bring it up, USE WHATEVER THEY GIVE YOU!
gather what? if the cult members don't believe that DJO posted those Uncle Buck ads with all the EVIDENCE that can't be spoofed (on GOOGLE'S SERVERS you retards) then I have no pity for them.
they made their bed and deserve what they get.
a witch hunt will net what??? NO amount of evidence will get lard ass to bend over for anyone, except his obviousn real life butt buddies.
waste of time and for myself, I'm not that interested in 'saving' retards from themselves.
and as supposed xians that should know better than to be unequally yoked with the trash at TB, I especially have no pity.
I do enjoy watching them fall 'headlong into the pit' though.
Oblivious, I think that you are reading too much into things. One of those folks was a mod on the first TB, before DO took over, and did the same kind of low down stuff that DO does today. He was even named a quasi-mod under DO for a spell, and I freaked because the condition of me having accepted DO's invitation to join his then new board was that that person never be made a mod again. So the quasi status disappeared, but I was always suspicious that he might have remained a stealth mod to this day. Who knows? I guess that when people lie a lot, I start to doubt everything they say, and so when that one poster supposedly lost that quasi-mod status under DO, I always kept it in the back of my mind that he could be just on the down low (couldn't resist, heh). There seems to be some 'courting' between DO and this guy, not to mention major fund raising, so I wouldn't hold my breath for a monumental change in reasoning or ethics at this point in the juncture.
I don't remember if that other person you named was ever a mod, but she has been in disfavor there for quite some time so there is no point in trying to drag her thru the mud here either. jmho.
BTW I notice that you are using POJ's tagline: Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I understand your sentiment, but that could mislead people to think you're him when you are not.
I just don't think that this whole scheme is the way to go. Trying to entice people, even recommending going to people's homes and plying them with alcohol, is just kind of scary-bizarre to me. I'm sure you were posting in jest. Right? ;) I just don't think those posters could be helpful, nor do I think that encouraging irl contact is a good thing, esp. when that's the basis of the alleged complaint. So if anyone acted on your advice, then you are setting them up for the same legal consequences, and if that's intended then it's mean. If it's not intended, then cool, just take note.
Remember when that one dude's bugout van was stolen? How many guns were in it? And you wanna send people to his house why exactly?
IMHO it doesn't matter how many members leave, they will get new ones. If the forum falls it won't be do to any outside influence. It will be Fatboys doing and his alone. The members may read here but as Chopper stated if they haven't wised up to him by now they deserve what they get.
When a chick says we need to talk, you might as well start punching yourself in the balls, dude.
Thanks D.J. for the "lowdown" . I was not @ TB very long (less than two years) before being banned about a month after the Maiden fiasco. I'll take your word for it. My suggestion may not work in this case, but it did catch Lardass off guard and his crazy reaction was priceless.
No, I didn't realize tha NVNG was POJ's signature, but since he's banned there, what difference does it make. A little more confusion at this point makes this a little more interesting, don't you think?
The original intent of the post was that often when people are disgusted with current "company" and circumstances, they have a tendency to tell tales out of school. Perhaps the dirt would not be legal fodder, but it might provide some comic relief for those of us in cyber-exile.