AbbyLane2001 Join Date: May 2001 Location: MN Posts: 2,212
Dennis after seeing this I went out to WWW to see what was what and I found more of your trashing that board what seemed like to be to start trouble, I have been looking at all those post for the last week that involved TB2K and I see you stirring up stuff in almost all, so in the latest one I just put this
Dennis why do you ask us not to come over here and make trouble for fear of Trolls but you seem to do a good job yourself, you're not defending TB what are you doing?
-- Abby Lane (, August 22, 2001.
05-30-2001, 01:24 AM #12 Dennis Olson Chief Curmudgeon Join Date: May 2001 Location: Wisconsin Posts: 29,099
No, it's not testosterone. I just can't STAND incompetence, and fools and a$$holes even less. I am VERY un-diplomatic toward people like that. I resent having someone try to CON me, or lie to me, or "spin" me.
05-22-2003, 10:43 PM #6 Carlos Veteran Member Join Date: Jun 2001 Location: Riverside, CA Posts: 1,224
It all boils down to what the forum owners want. It's their property and they can do with and manage it as they please. Property rights.
The problem with some of us is the product they're (constantly) selling. It changes. It's culled often and I've often wondered if newbies have any sense of the history here when they write their checks or do the PayPal thing.
01-24-2003, 05:24 PM #1 JC Refuge Forward Observer Join Date: May 2002 Location: Land of 10,000 Lakes Posts: 3,266
[crisis] The END as We Know It?
So, OK then. I have actually tried to distance myself from all the silly childishness that goes on around here since I've been a member. I did not even look into the "Storm" thing here lately. That is, until Dennis posted his threatening link here a while ago (that has since disappeared).
So I went to the link he provided. It is the same site as linked above.
So, after looking into the info there, I am quite disappointed. All this time, I guess I've been snookered for wanting to give folks here the benefit of the doubt.
Consider this my resignation-from-the-board post. If you read this before it is yanked, I highly recommend you click the link above and take the time to get a handle on what has been happening here at TB2K. Seems a lot of skulking, private-info sharing, hacking of member computers by mods, and bad-mouthing of fellow members by a secret core group of "the very best," gets you started in the right direction.
If there is any defense to these charges? If they are untrue, if everything IS on the up and up, then I would expect this thread to remain and things be discussed calmly and openly here. If there is guilt and shame, then address it. But if the way of dealing with this is to continue to try to cover it up, then things will only get worse--a lot worse.
I can only guess that I have been one of those chosen for "shunning." That, because a certain fellow Minnesotan felt I was maybe an alphabet agency person or some such thing. Discussed it briefly with Dennis a long time ago and that is where I removed myself from the MAG thing so many months ago now. Ever since, I know that I have been pretty much systematically ignored, but it would seem now there is proof of what the mechanism for that was.
Well, as I said, I expect this thread to disappear shortly and I will follow. It's sad.
Dennis Olson Chief Curmudgeon Posts: 887 (5/18/01 5:50 am)
Well, not being into "handles", my handle is just me. In the TB2K chatroom, however, I'm Jor_el. Many years ago I got nicknamed "Continental Kid" for riding my motorcycle 2500 miles in 3 days.
11-03-06, 07:41 AM #1 Doc1 Veteran Member Join Date: Feb 2003 Posts: 1,055
Women be warned
Recently, member SCR1 was arrested on a variety of felony charges to include terrorist threats and firearms violations. While I certainly believe in the presumption of innocence, SCR1 admitted guilt for these things in chat last week and there were several published news reports regarding the episode.
He further told chatters that his wife had recently left him, that he had suffered some some of "breakdown," that he had attempted to set his house on fire, that he had threatened to shoot LEOs or firefighters who responded and that he had threatened to commit suicide in front of his young son.
TB2K staff and owner have been informed of these things as of approximately a week ago.
Now I see that SCR1 is being permitted to solicit women here in the Singularities room...
I believe that allowing this is grossly irresponsible as well as being potentially dangerous to single female TB members.
N.B.: I do not personally know SCR1, have no business or personal relationship with this person and wish him no ill whatsoever. I wish him success in resolving his present difficulties.
Best regards Doc
11-03-06, 09:20 AM #4 Doc1 Veteran Member Join Date: Feb 2003 Posts: 1,055
Quote: Originally Posted by Bodybagger
Doc, this should have been addressed privately with staff. It was not your place to post this information, especially since it doesn't concern you, and you don't even know the individual personally. Since you believe in presumption of innocence, this post was completely unnecessary.
Cast ye no stones.
It was addressed privately with staff initially, by myself and others. Apparently, nothing was done. The person in question admitted that the allegations were true, both to myself and others. The episode was well-documented and reported in the media. The person in question took it upon himself to admit these things were true on the board (in chat) initially.
I do believe in the presumption of innocence as a matter of law. In the law of street reality, if a dude flat out tells me, "Yeah, I stole that car," I don't need a jury of 12 to convince me.
So you think that if a TB member innocently responded to a solicitation for coffee or a date and untowards results ensued, a prior warning of very recent dangerous background would've been seen as unnecessary?
04-08-2003, 01:19 PM #68 Jimmy Splinters Veteran Member Join Date: May 2001 Location: Right Here Posts: 2,513
"Jimmy Splinters= You look for these types of threads just to flame.
Guess what? there are over 2000 members here - and most are not crying over the departure of these two trolls......I wonder why?"
Expose', I don't recall addressing you in this thread. You are the perfect example of a lifelong loser given petty power beyond the mediocrity you've achieved. Typically, you lord it over others somehow thinking this makes you a superior person. The DMV is full of people like you.
The fact that you actually think I'm trolling reveals your complete inability to grasp the bigger issues here.
Most are not crying because they fear the repercussions from power-drunk ass-kissers like you.
Thank you AnnKor26. I appreciate your commnets. And yes, Dennis has given me reason not to trust him. That's why I made that outrageous post. Every year at fundraising time, these issues come up again and again. I used to just sit back and watch the trouble and let it slide right past me. Now I'm ready to stand up and take my own hard knocks and look for my own answers.
You're fairly new here AnnKor26. Stick around a few years and then tell me what you think. Hey, I really do like this site for all the information made available. But that's a benefit brought to this site by its members. Lots of hard work by general members who most likely donate money to help keep this place going. They recieve no remuneration for their services. Yet they're asked for money each year to help keep this place going. Maybe they should be paid something for their services from the overflow that all the donations bring in. Or maybe they should be exempted from paying in donations because of their services. That kind of thing is never mentioned. Even though we KNOW there is an overflow of funds each year. Not because Dennis says there is. But because he doesn't say ANYTHING about the funds that are raised. We are left to come to our own conclusions. Are you getting the picture yet AnnKor26?
Thank you for your interest. I sincerely hope we can all come to a positive conclusion after this years fundraiser. Wouldn't it be nice to know what your money is being used for? Wouldn't it be nice to know how much was raised from your TB2K community each year? I think so. And it's not too much to ask from our benevolent Administration either. Or, perhaps it is. You decide for yourself.
08-25-06, 05:25 PM #1 moocollins Rider of the storm! Join Date: Sep 2001 Location: Wishing I was in Florida! Posts: 2,581
OT/MISC - An alarming new trend in moderation.
An alarming new trend in moderation.
Recently I posted to a thread on the main board. I rather enjoyed the topic and the thread and posted a good response to the topic at hand. I also referenced some reading that I had done that was paralleled the topic. My entry was well thought out, informed and non-offensive.
Shortly after posting I was castigated by a Moderator for being too myopic and also for failing to understand what benefits I enjoyed from my supposed lack of understanding. In addition this Moderator told me what I should be thankful for in light of my failings.
I was at a loss to explain this response. I simply made a response to the article posted and stated some references to the book I had read.
Obviously this Moderator had a biased opinion of me and decided to correct me in a complete absence of actual fact.
I then, point by point and line by line, addressed the misguided missives of this Moderator
Rather than actually admit a mistake the Moderator chose to obfuscate and dodge my response by lamely accusing me of accusing myself, which was logically impossible because my original post was simply a statement of my agreement with the Thread starters original topic and its similar message to what I had read earlier. Whats more, had the Moderator actually read EITHER of my posts this would have been plainly evident.
I addressed the obfuscation with a post that stated, And you continue to prove my point, Which this Moderators post obviously did.
At this point, continuing to ignore the error, The Moderator chose to admonish ME for being off topic.
I was incensed. I then wrote a scathing response to this moderators insensitivity and callous disregard for his/her error. It was plainly obvious that he/she could not defend themselves and would rather continue in the belief that I was somehow in error with my original post when I neither accused anyone of anything or was I negative, hurtful or hateful in anyway. In fact it was this Moderator that was accusatory, condescending And self righteous, from the very start.
At that point I considered the matter finished and decided to chalk the issue up to experience and remember how flippantly ignorant and condescending this moderator had been.
THEN something really disturbing happened.
Another Moderator posted in defense of the first and ordered me to Drop It.
I calmly defended my position and pointed out how my comments were on topic and following the course of the first Moderator. In response this new cowardly Moderator deleted all of my posts, including the original completely non-offensive post, and Left in the posts of the offending Moderator.
Now let me state that I find this defense of an offensive Moderator by erasing the evidence of their offence very disturbing. I did nothing but vigorously defend my self against an obviously biased attacker and accuser. In fact the only reason these Moderators acted in the way they did is because they could not justify what the offending Moderator had written and rather than simply change the error and admit that the Moderator was wrong, they deleted the proof of it!
Poor form indeed
I find it unsettling that some of the Moderators here will allow Blatant name calling and personal attacks on threads started by some posters here. In fact they go out of their way to literally Stroke the ego of some of the main offenders, but when a Moderator makes a mistake they simply attack the one they wronged and sweep all the evidence under the carpet.
Caplock50 Veteran Member Join Date: Jan 2003 Location: 30 miles south of Texarkana, Texas Posts: 5,264
Well, to answer the question of what to do about your neighbors...I'd probably shoot all the adults and keep only the youngest of the kids. You see, I just got a new batch of neighbors. They have been mooching off me already; and they are of the type that if you won't 'loan' them something, they'll just steal it from you. For almost a month now, they've wanted to use my phone once or twice a day. I got tired of it and said no more. He called me unamerican and said my saluting my flag was a disgrace. So, yeah, that kind of neighbor I'll have to kill just to stay alive myself. In a SHTF situation, they'll definately try to kill me for what I have...a phone so they can call and beg help from 'friends'. Yep, it'll be 'kill or be killed'.
WTF?!? - How about a little support for truth and honesty?
We've been told not to discuss the recent mess about the cross-posting of super dark secret lounge discussions to UB's and all that. Threads have been locked even here in TIO because of that decree. I call bull**** on this crap right now. How in the world can anyone expect to operate a message board with this kind of gestapo mentality? I mean really? If you try to operate in secret, you will never have the full trust and confidence of board members. No way, no how.
Things were said about members in that lounge rant that were innapropriate and bordering on slanderous. I'll give you an example that I am fully qualified to give. Satanta and Diamonds added me to the short list of the Dennis Olson Banhammer2000 for 2006 based on their incorrect conclusion that I post 'mostly drunk' nowadays. I call bull**** on that too. How the hell do they know that? How could they know that I've been drying out for the past 6 weeks? And why would that be a consideration anyway? Is there anything in the big magical rulebook about posting drunk? If there is, I didn't see it when I registered. My point here is that a member doesn't have to be drunk in order to post their mind and get mad about continual injustice they notice on the board. Yes, I have pet peeves about grammar and I got mad at All-Seeing-Eye because he/she wouldn't adjust their location info so it didn't stretch my screen way out there and mess up my viewing of their info. I finally discovered why that was a problem when I started looking at the forum without logging in recently. I view the forum in the older 'Legacy' format and All-Seeing-Eye obviously views it in the new format. It definately caused problems for those of us who use the 'Legacy' viewing format. I feel like a dope, but it seems like someone here in charge could have come up with that idea when I was having my little meltdown with All-Seeing-Eye a few weeks ago. It didn't happen so the staff concluded that I was just drunk and disorderly. Again. Not so. I was angry because I really wanted to see what All-Seeing-Eye had to say because he/she seemed to come up with some really good news info. It might seem petty to some of you, but it was very annoying to me at the time.
And now I'm going to open the can of worms about this current fund-raiser. I said what I said because I've had several years to form an opinion about what I've seen here. Maybe I shouldn't have said what I said out in the open to Dennis. But then again, maybe doing what I did is just what needed to be done so the membership could see what one long time member had to say about it. Why does everything around here have to be done in secret? What would it have benefitted the general membership if I had PM'd Dennis with my rant instead of posting it where everyone could see it? It would have been buried and forgotten, if you want my honest opinion. Some long time members here will agree with me. But most won't because they don't want to be identified as dissenters and get put on the short list like I have been.
You want to accuse me of being a rabble rouser and trouble maker? Then why don't you just come right out and say it to my face? If you think I'm drunk while posting, then why don't you accuse me to my face? What possible good can come from making plans in a back room to ban me because of concieved notions? Hey, I have news for you folks. I don't have to be drunk in order to get mad and rant and rave about an injustice I see here on the board. I can do just as good a job at that when I'm stone cold sober. Better maybe. Like right now. Does anyone here think I'm drunk posting right now? How the hell would you know? You would have to guess, based on my past behavior, wouldn't you? But why not just call me out when I'm ranting and ask me if I'm drunk? In other words, keep everything out in the open and call members to task right when they're making noise that doesn't seem appropriate. I just don't see the need for secrecy. And that, in my oinion is going to be the downfall of this forum. Not members like me, posting openly about what they see as a problem, being honest for all to see. That's my opinion and I will in no way back off from it. No, it's not my forum. But I'm a forum member and a past contributor of $$. I wouldn't say these things if they weren't important to me. That's all I have to say, and if my past observations are consistent, that's all the rest of you will ever hear from me on this forum. Thanks for reading.
09-25-06, 02:43 PM #1 Kris Gandillon The Other Curmudgeon Join Date: May 2001 Location: State of Missouri Posts: 7,758
ADMIN - Dennis...Please...How About Some Support for the Staff?
We know the last few weeks on the board have been a bit trying for all of us and especially you, BUT...enough is enough!
We all agreed when we came on staff that except for some clearly defined exceptions, administrative actions like bannings and inactivations would be discussed in the Staff Lounge BEFORE any action was taken.
The intention was to NOT let personal bias and emotions of the moment cause any of us individually to over-react to a situation. We always desire a plurality of the staff to weigh in on such decisions so even if two or three of us are out-of-bounds the rest of the staff has the opportunity to straighten the others out and come to a reasonable consensus on the action (or not) to take.
Dennis, your trigger-happy, knee-jerk reactions with bannings and passwording SIGs has got to stop.
If you desire to remove me from staff due to these public comments then so be it but you obviously haven't been hearing us in the Staff Lounge lately.
Kris Gandillon (on behalf of the rest of the staff)
10-17-06, 05:31 PM #1 Satanta Stone Cold Crazy Join Date: Jun 2001 Location: Behind the lens in the mud. Posts: 20,391
DOGS - &^*%$^&*%^% piss and crap on the floor.
I'm going to rip my dogs head off after I shove my boot up herr ass.
She knows to crap outside. She CRAPS outside.
For some reason she has decided to start crapping in front of the door going out during the night. I'm a light sleeper so if she tries to wake me I get up but she has pretty much stopped doing that.
She has also found a place where she pisses.
It's not a game we're gonna get into. Went thru this when I got her last year and this playing puppy routine is gona stop.
Damn I'm pissed.
Any way to box train her? Some of it is the rain and cold weather I'm certain but it's not gonna fly thru the Winter as I have wood floors and aint gonna let her f them up.
How do you teach 'em to go to the damned door and bark for crying out loud.
better help her or she is gonna get the living **** kicked out of her.
One must wonder why Pandora, heck I'm named on it along with a number of others, some dear friends, so why not call a spade a spade on a witchhunt.
Yep, it seemed like a witch hunt to me. Not like a simple vent/rant thread.
For instance CFI, named people he didn't like. Kris went further with it because they bothered him in REL, and he's got some beef with DS. I mean WTF? This is who we have running the forum. At least Sat, Gator & Diamonds didn't suprise. They pretty much said what I believe they'd say in public.
But CFI & Kris -- You 2 came off like 2 faced bitches. Looking for your "justifiable reasons" and all. Y'all suck ass.
And Dennis, well, you were predictable. No suprises there either.
Timbo, you suprised me a little bit. Not a whole lot though.
Green Co., Yellowsprings & Todd....... You guys rock for not stooping to the level of pettiness. Thanks for the voice of reason. Some of my friends made the hit list, and you guys rose above all the nonsense.
Anyway, I know I'm just a little peon here, who's voice means nothing. But I had to get all that off my chest.