People were having fun photoshopping pictures and someone asked for a picture of Dennis' dog Hermione.
An anonymous poster was searching for pictures of the dog and came upon a German Shepherd forum where Dennis was posting.
Checking the profile to see if it really was Dennis, the anonymous searcher found this:
Profile for DoggieDaddy
Email Member # 12629 Name Dennis Title New Member Total Posts 24 Homepage Occupation Database designer Hobbies Location Western Wisconsin Bio ICQ Number Names of my GSD(s) Hermione Other Pets Favorite thing to do with my dog Registered on 01/05/07 01:45 PM
Convinced that this was indeed Dennis, the poster searched again using the email address and found something quite shocking.
Someone named Uncle Buck was posting his fantasy and solicitation to have sex with another man, and his email address was
snip from ad:
The poster came to Uncle Bob's wondering if that was really Dennis, or if someone was just acting like Dennis to get back at him and started the original thread
Some other researchers at Uncle Bob's began searching and 8 more ads were quickly found.
Dennis got word of the thread at Uncle Bob's and started his own thread in Take it Outside at Timebomb encouraging everyone to go read about his gayness:
Several people responded laughing about it, but then Gayla posted and said: was an Internet Service Provider in South Carolina:
To order product, contact Northern Border Bluegrass Product Orders Tom Bratton 147 Ben's Farm Rd. Gaffney SC 29341 864-489-1213
Email: Chester County Doug Pitts, Interim Director Voters Registration P.O. Box 750 Chester, SC 29706 Hood, S. Randall, 1539 Healthcare Dr. Rock Hill, SC 29732
Your website was really helpful in assisting me while writing an essay on the Great Horned Owl. I enjoyed learning a lot about the different owls while browsing your site. Stacy <> SC USA Chester County Ms. Harriett H. Wood P.O. Drawer 580 Chester, SC
Amazingly, Uncle Buck was in South Carolina at the same time:
From: "Uncle Buck" <B...@Beards.Ghost> Subject: 864 - BJ for you Date: 1999/10/07 Message-ID: <7tjkbr$i53$>#1/1 X-Deja-AN: 534160775 X-Priority: 3 X-Server-Date: 8 Oct 1999 02:19:39 GMT X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2314.1300 Organization: PressEnter! X-MSMail-Priority: Normal Newsgroups:
I'm a 40yo WPM, married 18 years, and want to try servicing a man for the first time. If you are a clean, disease-free man, and want a BJ, provide info so I can contact you. (Spartanburg SC area). I am in the area on business for the next month or so, and can provide you with private contact info.
Would prefer a married straight guy, but not absolutetly required. I do NOT expect reciprocation in any way. I'm willing to try almost anything except pain or bondage. So, if you've ever wanted to try something "unusual" but were afraid to ask, try me.
Oh, and that
Another Greenspun post:
According to "polly logic", EVERY Y2K failure is an "isolated incident". So, if we end up having a MILLION of them, well, it's not like that's SIGNIFICANT or anything.... You betcha.
Got preps done yet?
-- Dennis (, June 17, 1999.
Check out this question from Uncle Buck in 2001 about a Solaris install:
Uncle Buck View profile More options Oct 17 2001, 3:30 am
Newsgroups: php.install From: Hoo...@Vacuum.Head (Uncle Buck) Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2001 12:30:35 -0500 Local: Tues, Oct 16 2001 12:30 pm Subject: Solaris install info - HELP please?
I need to install PHP on a Sun Netra server running the latest Solaris release. I have no compiler installed. How do I install PHP (with MySQL support) onto that box? I have been reading everyhting I can, but it all reads like stereo instructions. (I've been a computer geek for 20+ years, but this stuff seems nearly impossible to understand).
Is there someone out there that can pass along some instructions?
While Dennis was driving a truck, Uncle Buck posted ads saying he would service men nationwide.
Uncle Buck View profile (1 user) More options Oct 14 2003, 12:56 am
Newsgroups: From: Uncle Buck <> Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 05:56:23 GMT Local: Tues, Oct 14 2003 12:56 am Subject: 000 - I'll drain you dry (and more) - nationwide!
I travel extensively, but do not know very far in advance where I'll be going. I'm a MWM in my mid 40's, and have never done ANYTHING with a man before. Lately, I've been having these incredible fantasies to do something about that. (My main fantasy is detailed below.) The only negative is that I'm a chub. But if you can get past that, I promise you an experience you'll never forget! No recip is necessay. I only want you to be d/d free, clean and DISCREET. I cannot host, so it's up to you. I'll do just about anything to make your experience the best you've ever had. I'm just not into bondage, S&M, pain or blood. Try me - please!
Send an email to "" for a reply. I can only get to this email once or twice a week, so please BE PATIENT! I *will* get back to you asap.. I am real. Please you be also.
Another interesting thing that began to be pointed out was how the wording in the ads sounded exactly like Dennis. In addition, the trace on the posts pointed back to Dennis' ISP over and over. To repost it all here would make this post even longer than it is. You can find it all in that original thread if you are searching for the truth.
Mine started learning about guns and gun safety at age 3. Started going to the range at age 4. Started shooting (under CLOSE supervision) at age 6.
So far, no propensity on their part for mass-murder...
BTW, the boys are 17 and 14 now, and have NEVER "played" with our guns. They respected them from age 3. As a "test", we would leave an UNLOADED pistol on a table, and "pretend" to leave them alone. Once they had been trained and the "taboo" nature had gone away, they never, EVER touched one, unless on the range. The guns became just another piece of furniture to them.
Never too young.
[This message has been edited by Dennis Olson (edited October 03, 2000).]
You sir, are a complete idiot. People that think and act as you do have NO BUSINESS being around children.
Too funny. As a resident of Wisconsin, I am ashamed to have people like you in authority. If I lived in Green Bay, I'd do anything I could to see you removed from power. I hope the citizens there realize just how stupid and anal-retentive you are, and toss your administrative butt out into the street. Then you could get a 'real" job.
Since you are obviously a Nazi, I can only end this note with the appropriate salutation: Zieg Heil Mine Oberfuhrer!
------------------ "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." - H.L. Mencken
I always have a loaded sidearm accessible to me in a car, even though the laws in the socialist paradise of Wisconsin forbids it.
Shhot, shovel, and shut up, if need be.
But I'd have taken his license # and turned him in later.
------------------ "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." - H.L. Mencken
Maybe if you have lived the life I have than you will have some sympathey for my beliefs.
Mark, on many/most issues, I'd absolutely agree. But not on prohibition. Note: I WAS a hard-core party animal (MANY years ago), and walked away one day, because I didin't like how my head felt (like it was in a pillow case all the time).
No cravings, no uncontrollable desires, no nuttin. Just used up the last of it, and never bought more. (You can insert your drug(s) of choice here, as I did most of them.)
An "addict" IMO is a weak-willed person, who can't control their craving. I am one with food (and have the gut to prove it). I have no sympathy for ANY addict, myself included.
No high-horses or self-righteousness on this topic, dude. BTDT. Have the t-shirt.
Shooter, I too cannot have a CCW in my state (WI). So I carry anyway. If I ever get caught, I'll just use the 2nd as my defense. ("...shall not be infringed.")
If you want to carry, and have no criminal record, then you have a decision to make. Exercise civil disobedience, or bow down before your fascist government. (We know what Martin Luther King did, don't we?)
If running a magnet doesn't work, run a pin across the surface repeatedly, scarring it. That'll do the trick.
And I was never this paranoid either. I'm just mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it any more.
09-10-2000, 01:47 PM #3
Dennis Olson
Senior Member
Join Date: 08-21-1999
Posts: 1,192
Well, the first thing I did upon getting a license like that was to expose that strip to the strongest magnet I could find. For an extended period. Wife's too. And if any bar code ever shows up on it, I'll mutilate that as well.
I believe in being prepared and would like to comply with the law...
So, which one is it? In today's political climate you can't have it both ways.
I carry in my vehicle while travelling on business. Locked and loaded and accessible from the driver's seat. I travel across state boundaries all the time (including Illinois, where ONE ROUND gets you 5 years). I have accumulated anough felony counts to keep me locked up (by my last estimate) for about 800 years.
So, what's it gonna be? Able to defend yourself (& loved ones) or stay within the pasture with the sheeple?
A very personal decision. I've already made mine...
[This message has been edited by Dennis Olson (edited August 14, 2000).]
Yes, it's illegal to carry a firearm in the People's Republik of Wiskonsin. So I do it anyway. I refuse DIE (or have my family harmed or killed) to satisfy their fascist doctrine and unconstitutional "laws". If arrested, I'll defend on the 2nd.
I can't believe how many people are freaked out by a SIGN. Look, I carry. It's illegal for me to do so (no CCW allowed at all in my state). So I carry anyway. You think I give a rat's a$$ what some SIGN says?
If you obey those signs, you do not deserve to carry. Period. Because you're too chickensh*t to stand up for your rights.
I choose not to have to DIE (or have my loved ones killed before my eyes) in order to satisfy some statist, unconstitutional "law". What YOU choose to do will determine the fate of YOUR loved ones. Wanna be a p*ssy and kow-tow to the bast*rds in "power"?
Screw 'em, one and all.
(Sorry about the militant tone of this post, but I really get sick of hearing people whine about signs, and how "now I can't carry". Man, anyone willing to let a SIGN rule them shouldn't own a firearm, that's for DAMN sure! You gotta be able to think for yourself to own guns.)
The choice you have is whether or not to invoke PERSONAL civil disobedience. I have chosen to do so, in that I carry concealed without a "permit". I also carry in any state I'm in. I also carry a loaded pistol in my car, easily accessible to me, when I travel. I carry in schools. I carry in gov't buildings (without metal detectors, of course!)
So, I am a felon many times over. I am (or WAS) also a law-abiding citizen. At one time I had CCW permits from three states, so I passed every background check there is. I'm so clean I could get a class III firearm (and probably WILL this year).
BUT, a couple years ago, I decided that the government did NOT have the right to force myself or my loved ones to DIE in order to satisfy their "laws". So now I no longer care. I reached overload. I'm sure many on this board feel exactly as I do.
I will NEVER register my guns, or submit to "licensing" of my God-given right. If YOU do (and it's YOUR choice), you WILL lose your firearms eventually. Just a matter of time. So, you have to ask yourself, do you want your children to have your guns after you die? If the answer is YES, you'd better NOT register them.
And that's no bull. And as far as being able to shoot them, 1) you better get THREE lifetimes worth of ammo put back, and 2) last time I checked, there was LOTS of "wilderness" in Canada.
Register and lose them. For no compensation. For no reason (other than "it's for the children"). The death of Canada's Gun Culture is at hand. Soon you'll go the way of the bloody Brits and the Aussies. All you have to do
Stories like this illustrate why I carry, even though it makes me an instant felon. You see, I'm not "allowed" to carry a firearm in my state for protection (Nor am I allowed to do so when I travel across the U.S.). So I do it anyway. So, am I a "law-abiding citizen" or not? And what made me a felon? Why, the stroke of a pen, sir.
Hell, I already AM an "insta-felon", right here in the good ole' U.S. of A.
You see, I carry concealed WHEN I WANT TO. With no permit. Can't get one in the socialist paradise of Wisconsin anyway.
I no longer give a sh*t. How long before this is the prevailing viewpoint? And since I'm already a felon, what would it matter if I (someday) got an "unregistered" select-fire rifle? Like Harry Bowman said, "After the first one, the rest are free."
Stories like what happened to Ms. Hupp are why I carry, even though I become an "instant felon" by doing so (my state does not allow ANY carry. NO CCW AT ALL). I have held CCW's in 3 states, so I *AM* by definition, a "law abiding citizen".
I finally reached the conclusion that the gov't does NOT have the "right" to mandate my death (or the deaths of my loved ones) in order to satisfy some unconstitutional "law".
I carry. Any time I want. I commit "civil disobedience". Like MLK, I refuse to abide by those laws. And MLK was ultimately correct, wasn't he?
Ask yourself what's more important: the lives and safety of your loved ones, or the happiness and satisfaction of the "state"?
The Founders of our great nation paid a terrible price in personal persecution to create the United States. What PERSONAL sacrifice are YOU willing to make, to stand up for the Constitution?
You DO have the right to bear arms. Whenever you want. Either DO IT, or cower in the corner. The choice is
No, the People's Republik of Wiskonsin (and Minnesota too for that matter), do not issue CCW. They are "MUST DIE" states. So, since I understand that my life (and the lives of my family) are more important that statist government, I carry anyway.
At one time, I carried valid CCW permits from THREE states. So, it's not like I'm a felon or anything....
I carry. Anytime I want to, except on an airplane, or in gov't buildings w/metal detectors. I have finally reached the point in my life that I no longer CARE what the gov't says about it.
I (and my family) will not be killed to satisfy some socialist "law". If I'm ever busted, I'll defend on 2nd grounds. Pure & simple. I might lose, but.... maybe not.
I have the right to LIFE. The socialists do NOT have the right to MAKE me die at the hand of a criminal.
Charge(s) Count No. Statute Description Severity Disposition 1 111.85 Disorderly Conduct Forf. U Guilty / No Contest View history and details of Charge(s)/Sentence(s) Defendant Owes the Court: $ 0.00 Responsible Official Prosecuting Agency Prosecuting Attorney Defense Attorney Vlack, Edward F District Attorney Erickson, Dennis W
Defendant Defendant Name Date of Birth Sex Race 1 Olson, Dennis Jerome 06-17-1958 Male Caucasian Address Address Updated On 724 Woodcrest Drive N, Hudson, WI 54016 08-08-2001
Dennis posted this about his son Daniel Olson.(I am not registered at Timebomb so unable to give you the link)
From the horses mouth: [QUOTE]Dennis Olson Some tidbits:
"First, I must agree with Jesse. Our #1 son had always acted badly, from the time he was a baby. (The first time I remember that he actively did something bad was ad about 18 months, when he pushed a new TV off its stand onto the floor, and then laughed about it.) He also tried to kill his little brother on multiple occasions and by various means. We have a file on him (medical and CPS) that's about 6" thick. We've been to family therapy, individual therapy, parenting classes; basically the whole gamut. I should have a PhD after my name for all the court-mandated child therapy & classes we had to attend.
We were always wondering what horror he would perpetrate next. At age 15, he crowbarred his way into our bedroom (we have a steel security door, the kind you'd have as your front door, with a deadbolt), stole two handguns and 100 rds of ammunition, and headed for the Mall of America. Once caught, he spent the next 18 months either in juvenile maximum security, or in a foster home. Three months before his 18th birthday, he "got out". CPS wanted to return him to our home. We refused. They were flabbergasted. "Why not?" "Because we don't feel safe with him in the house." So he never returned.
He's now 22 years old, and attending Job Corps in Washington state. He's doing well, but still suffers from emotional problems, which I fear he'll have to battle all his life. No kid should have to go through what he went through, and nno parents should have to go through what WE went through. (According to CPS, it was always "our fault", no matter what. Nevermind that he was medically diagnosed with personality disorders.)"
another post:
Dennis Olson: "My oldest son was severely ADHD. He had NO impulse control at all. At age 15.5, he crowbarred his way into our bedroom (has a steel door), and stole 2 handguns and 100 rds of ammunition. He then headed for Mall of America. Once he was caught, we went to maximum security juvenile detention for 18 months. When released (at about 17.5 years of age), the state said he could return to our home.
"What do you mean, No? You have to take him back."
"No we don't. He's your problem now. Have fun."
He has never returned to our home. He turns 21 this month. He asks periodically if he can return, and always gets the same answer. Never. Life is TOO SHORT, and he's now an adult, responsible for his own upkeep. I swear to you, that the years leading up to his "meltdown" were hellish for us. We told him flat out that the day after his 18th BD, he would be escorted to the door. No "grace period", no nothing. Pack your bags boy, you're history."
We prayed that he wouldn't kill someone, or burn down someone's house before his 18th BD, as we were still technically "responsible" for him. Thankfully, he did not. However, he left us with $10,000 in legal fees and reimbursement due the state. We are truly thankful that he's out of our lives.
Some kids are just "bad seed".
Another post by Olson to destroy evidence if a government agency looks at the private parts of his website:
#3 11-17-2002, 01:58 PM Dennis Olson Chief Curmudgeon Join Date: May 2001 Location: Wisconsin Posts: 23,340
"Too bad you can't tell how many accesses by govt. IP's."
I can. I don't look. I won't tell. (And there are BTW.) And if we're ever threatened by gov't action, all logs will be immediately deleted. I have that setup on a single shell command.
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